Unsaid Emily

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"Hey Jules?" Natalia's voice piped up from across the coffee table in the studio

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"Hey Jules?" Natalia's voice piped up from across the coffee table in the studio. Her and Julie were currently painting their nails in the middle of the night. The boys went out on an adventure so the two girls had the place to themselves. Luckily, Ray hadn't caught Julie sneaking into the studio to keep Nat company.

"What's up, Tal?" Julie asked, glancing up at Natalia only for a second before looking back down to focus on painting her nails a dark shade of purple.

"Do you ever feel like you know someone is hurting but they act like they're fine?" The brunette ghost asked her human friend, never looking up from trying to perfect her dark red nail polish job. She heard the glass nail polish bottle hit the coffee table gently, peeling her eyes away from her fingers to look at Julie.

"What do you mean?" She asked seriously, making Nat slide her nail polish bottle aside with a sigh.

"It's Luke. I can tell he is hurting. He hides it really well so it makes it difficult to bring up the subject." Julie's eyes begged her to continue. "His parents, mostly his mom. He ran away and left on bad terms with them and then ended up dying so... I think he just wants them to know that he loves them." Natalia shook her head, knowing she was incapable of helping him because she was in the same state as him; very much dead. "I just... wish I could help him, you know?"

Julie nodded, stretching her hand out, hovering it above Natalia's. She knew if she wanted to that she could touch her, but the boys didn't want to drag her into their afterlife disaster, so Nat decided against interlocking their hands for the moment. She really wished she could just embrace Julie though, and hopefully before they cross-over, she'll get the chance.

"I know how you feel, and I know how he feels." Julie replied, her hand hovering over Nat's to let her know she would grab her hand if she could. "I know you want to help him, and I do too. The day after the dance when I flipped on the boys? Alex and Reggie brought me to Luke's house. I saw you trying to calm him and I saw how much pain he's in." Julie confessed, making Natalia's eyes widen. They were there on Luke's birthday?? How the hell did she not see them?

"You were at Luke's house on his birthday??" Nat asked, confused by how she never noticed them spying.

"Yes, long story and that's besides the point." Julie waved off the situation. "The point is that I know how it feels to lose a mom." Natalia's eyes softened at her friend who's expression fell glumly sentimental. "I know what pain he is feeling. I wish I could help him too." Julie finished, Nat nodding.

"Maybe I could like write him a song or something? That works like a charm most of the time." Natalia suggested, looking for Julie's input on the idea. Julie's face fell once more, but picked up at what Nat had just said. A song!! "What Jules, what are you thinking?" Nat asked, reading Julie like a book.

"You could write him a song, or you could do something with one that's already written." Julie responded cleverly, looking for any sort of reaction out of Natalia.

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