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"We ready to go? Julie said that as soon as she got to school she would try and hunt down her music teacher

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"We ready to go? Julie said that as soon as she got to school she would try and hunt down her music teacher." Alex announced from outside the bathroom that Natalia was currently changing in. He knocked on the door a few times, signaling to the girl that it was time to go.

"One second, have patience!" The brunette girl yelled back at him. She huffed as she adjusted the sleeves of her tight white shirt, and flattened out the pastel green dress she had found in her bag of belongings. "Okay, I'm good to go," She announced, busting out of the bathroom, hopping on one foot to tie her black converse sneaker.

"Took you long enough," Alex complained, rolling his eyes at the short brunette girl. Nat always took so long getting ready for the day. Back when they were alive they'd wait hours for her to prepare herself before they could go anywhere.

"Hey, stop it. Nat always says immense beauty takes time." Reggie said, backing Nat up with a giddy smile, throwing an arm over his female friend.

"I knew I loved you for a reason, Reg," Nat commented, side hugging the leather-clad boy and pinching his cheek.

"Nat always looks good," Luke mumbled, but loud enough for the girl to hear it and for her cheeks to go pink. "Now let's go!" He exclaimed, all four of the ghosts grabbed each others hands and poofed out of the studio.

They poofed into a large gymnasium where Julie stood in front of them with her friend, who Natalia found out was named Flynn.

"What are you guys doing here?" The living girl asked quietly through gritted teeth after noticing the band's sudden appearance.

"I thought you knew we were coming?" Nat asked, motioning to Alex, who hid behind Reggie. "Boy, I-" She began but got cutoff by Luke.

"We just wanted to see you stick it to the man!" He exclaimed towards Julie. "Isn't that right guys?" He asked over his shoulder towards the rest of his bandmates.

"Man, I miss high school." Reggie commented, his eyes glued on the girls in very colorful wigs dancing around the gym to the song that consisted of artificial instruments. Natalia cringed at the sound of the very teenybopper song.

"That is NOT music. What has this world come to?" Natalia asked no one imparticular, facing the rest of the crew. Julie shrugged at the ghost girl in response.

"That's Carrie Wilson for you." Julie grumbled, looking at the pink-haired girl dancing with her posse. Natalia could already tell that if she were alive, her and the pink-wigged girl would not get along. Natalia never was one to deal with people who think they're "holier than thou." The girl finished her routine, and even her voice annoyed Nat; It was so high-pitched.

"Thank you, Dirty Candi!" A woman, who Natalia assumed was Julie's principal, exclaimed. "That was sweet!"

"Nows your chance. Go talk to her!" Flynn squealed to Julie, who looked and felt very nervous. "See you in music class!" Flynn then walked away, going up into the bleachers with her peers.

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