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After the electrifying jolts that the ghost band experienced last night, Natalia poofed out of the school and went to Julie's room

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After the electrifying jolts that the ghost band experienced last night, Natalia poofed out of the school and went to Julie's room. She knew her living friend wasn't home and that she probably went to Flynn's but figured it would be okay to spend the night in there in order to avoid the boys. She was furious with them. They broke her promise. That has never happened before, especially between her and Luke, but here we are.

In the morning, Natalia got bored without the three idiots so she poofed to Julie's school and saw her running into a dance studio area where she now stood next to Flynn. Julie apologized to her teacher for something then ran over and stood next to Nat; She gave her ghost friend a strange look as if to question why she was there at her school during her dance class.

"Sorry, I got bored but I've been avoiding the boys. I kinda just poofed myself here for some reason." Nat explained, playing with her fingers.

"It's okay, I'd avoid them too if I were you," Julie replied and Flynn looked around the area between them where the brunette ghost stood.

"Is Nat here?" Flynn asked in a low whisper and Julie nodded, making Flynn wave discretely in Nat's general direction. She was getting good at that!

"So, Flynn, why didn't you wake me up? I missed my first three classes!" Julie stated through gritted teeth. Natalia began copying what the teacher was doing just because it was fun and she felt like she fit in when she was dancing with everyone else.

"You said you were never gonna show your face at school again. I'm a very literal person!" Flynn replied, sounding a little guilty that she didn't wake her friend up.

"It's okay. It's those stupid ghost boys I'm really upset at." Julie said in an annoyed tone.

"You and me both girl. I told them I would've killed them if they weren't already dead." Nat interjected and got a laugh from the living girl.

"Having a band is supposed to help your social life, not ruin it." Flynn stated.

"Very true, and what the boys did was shitty." Nat agreed, and Julie repeated the girl's sentence for Flynn to hear.

"And it's my ex-band," Julie emphasized and Flynn sighed.

"Fine. Ex-band. Sorry." She muttered.

"Maybe they'll actually give you a heartfelt apology that you deserve. I haven't even let them speak to me honestly. I kind of feel bad." Nat commented, thinking about her boys. She never went this long without speaking to them. It was weird.

"It's all so messed up." Julie began, and all three girls got down on their knees. "I thought they were in this with me but obviously I was wrong."

"Don't blame yourself," Nat said to Julie and she gave the girl a solemn expression.

"I mean, you can only be so strong when three cute ghosts ask you to join a band." Flynn said, making the ghost girl chuckle. "Oh speaking of cute, have you talked to Nick today? He seemed pretty chatty at the dance." Flynn giggled.

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