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Nicola's hands unclenched. He'd been ready to fight with the next verbal thorn. He looked from Cyrus to Ellora, maybe she really could handle him. The trio walked on uncomfortably. Nicola summarized the work they were doing while trying not to cause too much embarrassment for Ellora.

The buildings were mostly shells, needing their insides to be refinished before they could be truly useful. Merchants had put up tents as store fronts as a temporary solution. They walked down the main market street that Ellora had seen on her first day here and a few times after. Usually it was bustling with people, but today it was completely empty. Her spirits sank as she realized that it had been weeks since these streets had been busy, which meant that most of the people who lived and worked here were unable to and were probably running out of food and money at this point. The economy of Ilios was taking a major downturn because of the trouble that she had caused. She had saved up a few coins here and there. Her spirits brightened as an idea popped into her head. She went to the nearest stall.

The fabrics and linens here were always the best in the province. Beautiful silks hung in a rainbow of colorful rows. The sun shown on them brightly, making them look even more vibrant, and their intricate patterns to stand out even more. The shopkeeper had his back to her, whistling quietly as he cleaned his spectacles.

"Hello." Ellora began.

The man turned, placed his glasses on his face, eyes widening in fear when he saw who was addressing him, "What do you want?" He raised his hands in surrender, "Please, leave."

"No, I just want to look at your wares." She tried to step closer, but with every word and action the man shrank back, as though she were about to hurt him.

"Milady, I... I can't," He fumbled for an excuse, "We are closed today."

Cyrus smiled and whispered a little too loudly, "The girl has certainly put fear into these people."

Nicola grimaced, he saw Ellora flinch. He stepped up next to her, "Excuse me, sir."

"Prince!" The shopkeeper bowed, still glancing nervously to Ellora, "I am very sorry, I did not know that she was with you."

"Yes, please, take care of any of her needs. Send all of the things she chooses to the Palace."

Ellora blushed, "That is really not necessary."

One look from Nicola silenced her. She had not wanted to cause more trouble. She took out her change purse and began choosing various fabrics, some that were ornamental and pretty, but mostly ones that were woolen and warm looking." Zima would be upon them soon enough and she was certain that the people would be unprepared. She had the fabrics sent to the seamstress, "Please tell her to make them into beautiful blankets, hats, scarves and mittens. I will pay her whatever she asks."

Nicola spoke to her over her shoulder so that Cyrus would not hear, "You think I do not know what you are doing right now?"

"What do you mean?" She went to the lace and trimmings booth next to the fabrics.

"Ellie, I know you feel responsible..."

"As she should." Cyrus firmly interrupted.

"But," Nicola continued, "Ilios will make it through this. We are not destitute." He also knew that she did not have the money to accomplish this small task.

Her lips pressed into a fine line, "Nicola, why won't you let me help? It seems like my hands keep getting tied whenever I try to make things right and you are the one trapping them." Her voice raised at the end.

"You cannot erase what happened in one day." He said back his fingers brushing through his hair.

"I never expected to. I have been trying to help all along. But you won't let me, why?" A fire heated in her eyes.

Cyrus smiled, poking his head between them, "He doesn't want your help because he's angry about his kingdom, who wouldn't be? He doesn't want you to make amends." His eyes flared in amusement, "Besides what could a savage girl like you offer? You barely have enough to begin with, much less enough to prepare the whole kingdom for this coming winter, how naive."

Nicola reached back and let his fist come into full contact with Cyrus's face, "Quiet, you don't speak for me!"

Ellora was already sobbing, believing what he said because they were her own fears and doubts spoken aloud. Her feet pattered against the cobblestones of the streets as she raced away. She did not care where she was going. Besides her vision being too blurry to even see a path, but she did not care as she stumbled along.

Cyrus called before Nicola could even turn to follow her, "Now that I have your attention, let's discuss your sisters." He grinned, dusting the dirt from his black jacket as he stood.

Nicola grasped his collar and dragged him to the alley, "Don't you even talk to them, or so much as breathe their names, or even think about them!"

Cyrus feigned innocence, "Come, now, I have no ill will toward them. However, I have a predicament. I am moving one of them to my place tomorrow and I cannot decide which. Although, I have taken a liking to that little dove. Perhaps she would do. Would that be a relief to you? I think she and I would make an excellent team."

Nicola's face turned red, his eyes growing dark as the skies above. He did not care that his temper was getting the best of him. He could end this now, if he wanted, "What do you want, Cyrus?"

"It is no matter to you, I always get what I want anyway." He brushed Nicola's tight grip from his collar and straightened his coat, "No matter how hard the prey tries to run away, they are always captured by the predator. The only thing left is to stand back and watch everything that you love fall apart. And oh, what a beautiful sight that will be."

"Stay away from them." Nicola growled out, "Or there won't be a place in all of the lands or seas for you to hide."

"I'm afraid you are already too late. You see, my guest is already on her way." He snickered, straightened his coat and walked out of the alley, signaling his men, "Let's go." He jumped up onto his horse, speeding away.

And all that Nicola could do was stand in the alley in helpless, angry silence.

The Prince of IliosWhere stories live. Discover now