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"My King. I am not saying that I will not go to Flora. I am saying that I would like to delay the trip." Nicola could see his father's resistance cracking, "We did not have any major losses from the storm. But, our people need our help here in Ilios. We need to rebuild the port."

The boy had a sound argument, Henry had to admit. The King twisted his seal in his hand. Thinking, "But if you delay your trip that keeps a hospital from opening."

"Surely one of the advisors, dukes or council members could go?" Nicola looked at him straight on, he was not about to put the King's wants over the need of his people. He was trying to keep his face in check, not willing to give anything away.

"I suppose I could send Kiran." The King stamped his seal down onto a document. He picked up his cup and sipped the warm smooth tea, to soothe his throat.

"Kiran would be perfect." Nicola nodded. His younger cousin was a Duke of Ilios and was next in line to be head advisor to the crown when Nicola became King. They had always gotten along well and had been like brothers growing up. Kiran had a good head on his shoulders, although he tended to be quieter. Nicola was sure that he could accomplish the task.

"I will commission him then." The King sounded a little disappointed. His face became somber, "And what about the girl? She has certainly provoked the wrath of Ilios by causing such destruction to our land. She will be punished."

Alarms went off in Nicola's head. If Ellora was at the King's mercy, she would be killed without a second thought, which would ignite a very bloody war with the Southern Isles. He wanted to avoid that at all cost. They seemed like reasonable people. He would rather negotiate with them, "There is some destruction to the ports, but that is all. None of the houses or townsfolk were involved. In her defense, we were the ones to bring her here, by threatening her, might I remind you. And I believe that she may have been provoked. As well, she hasn't learned that much about her powers. Ellora is still a beginner with them in most respects."

The King tapped his seal on the wooden desk. The blunt sound was the only one in the room as Nicola waited for a response. His son was finding new ways to stand against him. He almost admired it. His father sighed, "So then, we will throw her in the dungeon."

"I hardly think that is necessary. She is very sick. If we move her to the dungeon she could die without proper care."

Henry raised a brow, had this girl caught his son's eye? "It seems lightning and water meet in a storm, my son has taken a liking to this girl. Very well, she is your charge. I expect you to keep a very close eye on her."

Nicola nodded, bowed and took his leave. He had spent enough time with his father and had felt as though he had won this round.

"River, you must go!" Ava coaxed her friend and helped her pack a bag, "What I wouldn't give to see my home again."

River contemplated the idea, "The Prince has commissioned Kiran to come with me. All of you are staying here. No one else is coming, so why should I go?"

"You, as the Princess of Flora, cannot expect them to open a hospital without their leading lady! You must go. Besides, Kiran is so good looking." Ava may have been playing on her friend's emotions to take her out of the running in Ilios. She had only seen Kiran twice, but knew that he was a quiet, decent lad and cousin to the Prince, and a most trusted advisor. He and River would also get along incredibly well, if they would just meet.

"Fine, if only to get you to stop pecking at me. You are like a mother hen." River shook her head, waving Ava off. She produced a small bag from her pocket, "Make sure this makes it to Ellora. It will help with her sickness."

"I will try. Although, we have no idea where they have taken her. I hate to think of her sitting in a cold dungeon dying of sickness."

"It is a cold, not an incurable disease." River raised her brow, "She will be fine, and you are being dramatic."

"Yes, but it suits me best." Ava stood waning with an arm on her brow like a damsel in distress.

"Well, have fun with the Prince while I am gone." River gathered her bag.

"Who knows where he is either?" Ava shrugged, "I haven't seen him at all today, and he was supposed to be in the hall for breakfast this morning." She pouted, sitting on the bed, her arms crossed and her lip protruding.

River tapped it with her finger on it, "That's a nice look on you. The Prince will love it. Now, come, see me off." She handed her bag to the manservant outside their door. Ava joined her as they walked out to Kiran and the awaiting carriage. His dusky blonde hair was cropped short, and he wore the light gray uniform of Ilios. The other girls stood around to see her off.

"Four down, three to go" Minerva smiled triumphantly.

"She isn't leaving forever." Ava glared at her.

"No, but she won't be able to catch up when she returns."

"What do you mean three?" Tiara asked, squinting.

"There are only nine provinces. And only those in the provinces could ever really marry the Prince. Kendall, Janel, and Citrine are gone, and you and Ellora are just pity invites, to keep the Islands happy." She shrugged and turned to go inside, followed by her remaining minion.

"Don't worry, she's delusional." Nissa patted Tiara on the shoulder, which seemed to comfort her.

The Prince of IliosWhere stories live. Discover now