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The maids came in to help them get dressed.

"Are you going to be okay?" River checked on her.

"Yes, I'm much better." Ellora nodded as her maid threw a hoop skirt over her head. Quickly, Ellora found out that the women were not shaped funny, but the skirts were made to have their own uncomfortable shape. The maid tightened the corset. "Is it supposed to be like this?" Ellora gasped, "I can't really breathe."

Ava smiled, "The tinier the waist and the bigger the bust and hips, the more attractive you are."

Ellora did not like the sound of that.

"You have worn a corset before." River stated, pointing to the blue and black lace, hanging out to dry across her bed frame.

"Yeah, but not this tight." She felt like only the top half of her lungs were working.

"Get used to it, and quick, Miss Brooks is coming." Ava glanced in the hall. Her dress perfectly arranged and her hair smoothly quaffed.

River was also dressed elegantly with pearls throughout her hair.

Ellora was still getting her hair finished. It took a few tries to get used to sitting down in the hoop without it flying up into her face.

Miss Brooks looked at all of the girls as they lined the hall. She nodded her approval of each one until she got to the end where Ellora was. She looked at her from head to toe, a grimace firmly planted on her face, "The dress is very becoming, Miss Ellora. The hair is another matter."

Ellora nodded, "Miss Brooks. Could we just agree to disagree on hair?"

Miss Brooks raised a brow, "I will never lower my standards, Miss Ellora, but you may do as you wish with your hair."

Ellora smiled to herself, they had reached some sort of meager understanding. Her hair was down in waves that curtained her shoulders and framed her face. A few small braids entwined into a crown around her head, with a few pearls from home threaded in them.

Miss Brooks continued, "First there will be Etiquette, Dancing, Equestrienne, Running the Palace. Tomorrow: Element-bearing, Medical Aid. The Next day: Sailing,Tactics, Self-Defense The Next day: Foreign Affairs and Government. Then it will start over."

The schedule sounded full. Ellora raised her hand, she felt like she was in school even though she was an adult, "Will there be time for food?" She was unsure of when she would possibly have time to speak with Alyn or the King.

Miss Brooks laughed, "Every meal will be part of an Etiquette lesson. We wouldn't want to waste any time. You will all take the lessons everyday, and there will be various tests. We will be watching and reporting all the time to the King and his Highness about your progress. Let's go to the Dining Hall and begin."

The other girls squealed excitedly. Ellora walked through the halls with River and Ava, "These lessons sound interesting. Much more than I would have expected."

"Well, the King said that Prince Nicola was looking for an equal that could go into battle with him. I just didn't realize he meant that literally." Ava weighed her options, not altogether sure that she was willing to risk her life.

"Although, after the Southern Isles are on board with the Union, there isn't anyone left..." River said, looked at Ellora and offered up a contrite face.

Ellora shook her head, "Yes, but one person would not stay in power for too long over all of the provinces. Some could rebel, there could be an uprising. It is best to have a person beside you who is prepared for all of the eventualities."

Both of them looked at her shocked as reality of what they were trying to achieve set in. They had to rethink if they truly wanted that level of responsibility and involvement.

"And who is to say that there isn't other countries or lands beyond our small patch of lands. Perhaps we just have not ventured far enough." Ellora continued, idly.

"That is preposterous. You are just trying to sound tough and intimidate your poor ignorant friends." Minerva laughed ahead of them. She waved a hand. The girls around her Gem and Citrine laughed as well, their skirts rustling quickly away.

Ellora looked at Ava and River, "That is not true. I was just talking. I was not trying to intimidate you."

Ava and River chuckled, "Don't worry. We know better than to believe Minerva."

Ava leaned over to the others, "She told me her ambitions and I was surprised that they even included Nicola. She talks as though she only wants the position and title of Queen and cares nothing about who the husband would be."

River nodded along.

The thought of Nicola being used some how disturbed her. No one should be used for their title or possessions. Right now she felt in a similar situation. If she were to become Nicola's wife, she would be used to leverage her people and unite them under Ilios's monarchy. A shiver ran down her spine at the thought.

Once in the Dining Hall, the contestants began with their etiquette lessons. Miss Brooks rapped on their hands with her fan when they did something wrong. Needless to say, Ellora's hands were bright red by the end of the lesson.

As they moved to the ball room, Ava found her, "That went well." She had been seated at a table with River, Nissa, Kendall and another named Derya. Apparently, Derya was a water-bearer as well, "Although she is from the North." Ava chatted on idly, "She mostly deals with ice and snow."

Ellora rubbed the back of her aching hands. She had done many things wrong, including not sit up straight enough, pick up the wrong utensil, saying "thank you" to the staff, and breaking a couple of delicate dishes, when her plate had slipped out of her hand. Her table did not have anyone that she had known before: Janel and Gem. She had learned little about them between Miss Brooks shouting instructions and her aching hands. However, Ellora had found her resolve to continue making the best of her situation. She would not give up. Her people needed her.

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