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After a few days of wallowing in self pity and loathing Ellora found a fragile resolve. She was able to keep some food down and walk meager paces about the room.

River and Ava burst through the doors to her room, as she rested on her bed, "Ellora!"

"We are so glad you are feeling better." River led.

Ava practically interrupted her, "You will never guess in a million years what has happened!"

"What?" She looked from one to the next. Ava looked more excited than River.

"We are one step closer to marrying the Prince of Ilios!" Ava screamed so loud that both Ellora and the maid near her covered their ears.

"What?" Although she did not understand what was going on, she tried to keep up with the rambunctious girl.

"Not only have we made it through the first round of girls, but there has been a deadline set for the next ball. Then it will only be three girls left! I have already arranged for us to have tea with the Prince." Ava smiled.

"And we still have to deal with Minerva?" Ellora had been hoping that was the news, or that somehow she would be able to go home with a positive report to her father.

"Unfortunately." River offered a disappointed look.

Ava was still bouncing for joy.

"So did he ever say why he sent them home?" She thought surely she would have been sent home after this mess. Perhaps Nicola was just being nice and waiting for her to recuperate.

Ava shrugged, "Don't know, don't care to know. I am just so happy that all three of us are here."

"River how was your trip to Flora?"

"Fine." She stated.

Ellora spied a slight blush on the girl's tanned cheeks, "River, what is going on? Didn't everything go well?"

"Oh yes, very. Kiran presented the hospital with a very nice speech. I got to see my family, and I went to a ball under the stars and moon. It was beautiful."

Ellora nodded her head, curiosity getting the better of her as she eyed River, "So what is Kiran like? Was he a good dancer?"

"He danced with me three times at the ball." She tried and failed not to sound overly excited, "He also went for a hunt with my father. He bagged three quail. They were delicious. My mother gave him some of her herbal remedies, and my younger brothers played with him in the afternoons." River's smile looked completely at peace.

"River, do you like Kiran?" Ava pointed at her friend.

"Yes, I mean, no. I mean, I don't know." River settled her nerves, "There is a lot to consider. And if I do, then what does that mean for the time here with the Prince. I cannot disappoint Flora."

"If Kiran would have you, you would be a Duchess!" Ava jumped up and down for her, excitement pumping through every limb. She was full of energy today.

Ellora patted River's hand, "Whatever you do, make sure you are at peace in your heart. It is better to have love where you see it than to settle for something you may not want to begin with."

River nodded, "I have a lot to think about. I think he likes me too."

Ellora smiled as Ava danced around, dragging River to her feet and twirling with her in circles until both of them were dizzy and collapsed on her bed.

Nicola caught up with Alyn. He was shirtless and knee deep in mud and water. The port had gotten soaked through over the last few days. A few of the roads were giving way to erosion into the inlet. Alyn wiped the sweat from his brow as he passed rocks to the man next to him. They were doing their best to shore up the road and level it out before rebuilding the dock that had be swept away by the storm.

He looked around at all of the damage for the first time. The coast had been completely washed away. The streets, still draining the water away. All of the crops in the plains were probably devastated. The families had been evacuated and were living farther up the hill toward the Palace, but were moving back into their houses slowly.

Nicola called to Alyn from the shore, "Have all of the people found places to live?"

"Yes, Prince Nicola. The men have started to salvage what materials they could and dry them out in hopes of being able to build with them again. It is slow going. Right now we are just trying to get the port up and going so the ships can come in. We heard from a messenger that some of them will run out of food soon if they cannot dock.

Nicola nodded. His heart wretched at the site around him. Hundreds of people without jobs or food, because he had not taken care of them. He pulled off his coats, determined to find a way to help them, even if it was just something small. He trudged down into the water with Alyn and the other men and began passing rocks on to the shore. A few people muttered and whispered, looking at him confused, but continued on their way. Nicola rolled his eyes. He would always be a novelty. He was the Prince.

"How is my sister?"

"Has no one told you?" Nicola looked astounded.

Alyn shook his head, "I haven't really had the time to ask. A servant came down to let me know that she had awoken, but the people needed help here, and I had an extra set of hands."

"She is well." Nicola nodded.

"Besides, my sister made some of this happen. I assume she is still too weak to help, so I will in her place." Alyn couldn't bear to leave people out on their own, even though they were not his people. The communities should help each other out, in his mind.

"She tried to come with me." Nicola passed him another rock, "And fell over when she tried to get out of bed.

Alyn chuckled, "Of course she did. She is as stubborn as they come. She'll probably try to come out here later today. As soon as she can get out of that bed."

"I told her to stay and rest."

Alyn laughed, "Like that would stop her. She thinks she is to blame for this whole thing. Nothing is going to keep her from trying to fix it."

A horrified look crossed Nicola's features.

Alyn clapped him on the back, "You will get used to it, eventually."
He felt as though he never would.

The Prince of IliosWhere stories live. Discover now