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The house had two rooms upstairs and four beds. Nicola opened one of the rooms, laying Ellora down on the nearest. Ava and Nissa helped River to one of the beds, saying she ought to rest. She did not look much better than Ellora. Ellora had become colder and colder as they walked, her skin had taken on an unhealthy pallor. As he placed her on the mattress, her eyes shot open in delirious pain. She let out the most agonizing scream Nicola had ever heard. He knelt down beside the bed, "It's alright, Ellie, Shhh."

The door crashed open. Nadia walked to them with determination and purpose, "What's going on?" She took in the scene around her. One sick looking woman was lying in bed, but conscious, breathing, and otherwise unharmed, and the other was screaming and crying bloody murder.

Nicola took Ellora's hand in his, "Ellie, shh its alright. Nadia, help!"

She had never heard such desperation in her brother's voice. This must be the girl he was out to rescue. The one he had gone to so much trouble for and had spent weeks pining about. She swiped her hair out of her face and went to the bed, "Step aside."

Nicola moved to the foot of the bed, releasing Ellora's hand. Her whimpers turned to screams again. His throat clenched uncomfortable as she writhed in pain.

"Someone come hold her down!" Nadia yelled. She needed to check the woman's body, it was clear she was in great pain, but from where, the cuts and scrapes she had were not severe?

Alyn immediately moved to his sister's head to hold her shoulders. When Nicola grabbed her feet she settled a bit more.

Nadia glanced at him, "You are stronger than I thought."

"I am barely holding her." He replied.

Nadia had to test it, "Nicola, let go of her."

Nicola stepped away again, and Ellora was back to pain.

Nadia motioned for him, "Here, take my place and hold her hand. It's you. You calm her down."

"What?" He moved to where she asked, not understanding.

"I don't know what it is either, but you help to soothe the pain, so stay here, and do not let go of her until I am done with my assessment." She gave him a demanding look.

He nodded, like a boy obeying his mother and sat on the stool she had been perched on. He held onto Ellora's hand, watching her face settle. Nadia looked at Alyn, "Get everyone out, except for the pregnant one, we need some space."

Alyn moved to clear the room, then came back, "Is there anything I can do?"

"Yes, go get yourself a drink from the kitchen, and stay out of my way." Nadia replied as she turned back to Nicola, "There are no injuries on her front, let's flip her."

"She has a curse on her back, and it causes her great pain. Cyrus was going to take it away, but he is dead." Alyn responded before Nicola could speak up.

Nadia glared at him, "I said get out!"

"She's my sister! I have to stay."

"Ugh!" Nadia let out an exasperated noise, "Do you know anything else about the curse? No? Alright, you have served your purpose, now leave!"

Alyn made his way from the room, like a puppy with his tail between his legs.

River watched tiredly as Nadia worked. The girl was all fire and fury, moving quickly and efficiently to get the job done. Perhaps the girl would know something River did not, and heal her friend.

Nadia watched the black veins crawl on Ellora's back. She grimaced. She grabbed her knife and a towel. She certainly did not want to get any poison on her, but wanted to know if it could be cut out before it severely effected the surrounding tissues.

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