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Nicola paced back and forth in the study. He was supposed to meet his father here. It was unusual for him to be late, but Nicola knew if he did not talk to his father, he would regret it later.

He had spent the day fairly pleasantly with Nissa, Janel, and Kendall. Until that woman, Ellora, showed up. Since then, it was like his whole plan to stay calm and disconnected from this situation had crumbled. Nicola had figured that he could try to pass the time as pleasantly as possible if he just did not get personal with any of the element-bearers. At the end he could choose one that seemed agreeable enough and marry her. His days would be filled with traveling and conquest, he doubted he would even get to see his fiancee very often. She would probably rather stay in the well furnished castle, where all of her delicate needs could be met without hesitation. Ellora had made him so agitated. Everything she said he seemed to take personally, whether he wanted to or not. She was too direct and blunt, speaking whatever came to her mind. The water-bearer had barely any etiquette to speak of. She forgot to use one of her forks for the fruit coarse, instead taking the grapes in her hands and just popping them in her mouth. He had been so amused that he helped her out by taking her fork away. Which she never even thanked me for. Either she is a barbarian or completely ungrateful. And she never uses my proper title. Nicola sighed, how could she have gotten him so worked up? He took a deep breath.

Suddenly, the doors to the study opened and the King entered with a smile, "Nicola, my boy. How was the rest of the evening? No one you wanted to meet with after the ceremony?"

Nicola rolled his eyes, "You must be such a romantic. Who believes in love at first sight?" He leaned up against the side of a bookcase, staring out the window. The night sky was patchy and dark blue. Ellora's defiant eyes from this afternoon flashed to his memory. He shook his head startled at the thought, "What is it that you want, Your Majesty?"

"Alright. I was just wanting to check in." He toyed with the quill on his desk, "We have a timeline, Nicola, do not forget that."

"How could I, you won't let me." Nicola smiled to himself, almost laughing at how pathetic his situation was, "Was there anything else, My King?"

"Yes, in a few weeks I would like for you to choose a few of the girls to go on a trip with you. Flora is opening its first hospital. We helped to fund it. It is just over the border, so only a two day ride from here. It will be your duty to present it to the community. Prepare some words about how it will strengthen the Union and the world as a whole."

Nicola turned to leave.

"You should probably take Flora's element Bearer with you, her name is River. She was the one in emerald green, next to that water-bearing girl."

"Ellora." Nicola said her name softly.

"Yes, that was her name, Ellora." The King chuckled, "You were the one who wanted the Southern and Northern Isles here. Do you already regret your decision?"

"No." He said, although he thought, Yes. Nicola stomped out of the study and headed to his room. On his way he passed by a man with dark brown hair, looking like a seafarer, with a blue sash, the same color as Ellora's skirt. He paused, "You must be from the Southern Isles."

Alyn turned to him, "Alyn, son of the Chief of the Southern Isles. I assume that you are Prince Nicola." He nodded a greeting, feeling no need to bow, since they currently had the same status.

Nicola nodded back, "I hope everything is to your liking. We have never hosted the seafarers at the castle."

Alyn smiled easily, "The room is much more than I would have expected, the food exquisite, but I have not been able to see my sister. I went to check in on her and a severe woman in black stopped me in my tracks."

Nicola chuckled, "Yes, Miss Brooks is intimidating."With a shiver, he remembered his etiquette tutor well. The only tutor that he was still on edge around, "Perhaps your sister will have some time tomorrow to meet you. Unfortunately, it seems their schedules are booked solid, as is mine. We all have to play our parts, don't we?"

Alyn's smile disappeared, "I don't want to make the mistake of assuming anything, Prince. Is this you asking me not to interfere? I have already received that speech from Miss Brooks. It is hard for me to sit in my room, and leave my sister to fend for herself."

"No, of course that is not what I meant, but if your sister is unable to handle the circumstances herself, perhaps she is not the sort to be in line for the throne of Ilios. Even younger siblings must stand on their own two feet, because we all are leaders. If it is her wish she may leave as soon as tomorrow, I can give word to my father..." Although Nicola knew there was no way that Ellora was as he described, it would be best for everyone if some of the girls returned to their homes. The Prince knew full well that Ellora would never cower behind anyone, not even the Southern Isle's Prince.

"Prince, I think you have misunderstood me..." Alyn did not want to get sent home before they had the opportunity to negotiate. His face turned sheepish.

The Prince waved him off, "I am quite exhausted, I must have misheard." He ended the conversation so that Alyn wouldn't have to come up with some sort of lie for his sister. Nicola knew exactly why they were here. It was clear to him that Ellora was not interested in being a candidate for the throne and that the King had lured them into coming here under the guise of negotiation, "Good night."

Alyn gave a curt nod to the abominable man in front of him and continued to his own room, grateful that his short conversation with the Prince was over. He prayed and hoped that Ellora could last long enough for him to meet with the King.

The Prince of IliosWhere stories live. Discover now