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At the sight of their friend still so utterly confounded, they explained that the large furry beasts that pulled the wagons were called "horses" and the wagons were actually "carriages." Also, that people rode the horses in order to get from one place to another. There were several ways of riding a horse and all of the upperclass were taught to do special skills with the animals.

Ellora failed at trying to put on a brave face when she saw the gigantic beasts lined up in the yard. They had traded their dancing attire for riding habits. Miss Brook's mouth created a thin line, "You will all be expected to be able to ride with top marks, side saddle."

The girls began showing off excitedly, being able to handle the great beasts with ease. Ava and River were graceful with their steeds.

Ellora stared at hers from afar. Fear keeping her from even approaching the horse. She remembered her only experience being one that was life threatening. Her limbs stiffened up and she was unable to move, even though the horse was clearly tied to the post. It had brown fur with some white speckles. Its eyes looked fiery and wild to her.


His voice over her shoulder made Ellora jump, "Aah!"

Nicola rounded in front of her with a smirk of triumph on his face, "The fearless, Miss Ellora, brought to her knees by a horse. I never would have guessed that."

"I am not on my knees." She shifted her weight, looking away.

"It's a figure of speech." His eyes were bright green today as they smiled down warmly at her.

"That time in the street was my first experience with such a beast." She tilted her head toward the horse, which was happily chewing on the grass.

Nicola read the fear in her body language, "You have never seen a horse."

It wasn't a question, nor as mean as she was expecting, "Nor ridden one."

"What if someone taught you?" He walked over to it and patted its nose lovingly.

The picture was fitting to Ellora, her greatest irritation, and her greatest fear being chummy, "Yes, Miss Brooks arranged for that in dancing. It is a wonder that she has such an oversight now."

"Lord Stephan."

She could hear the gravity in his voice, "Yes. He was an excellent instructor, but made me uncomfortable."

"I noticed." Not missing a beat, Nicola glanced out to the field where all the others were riding happily, "They look like they are enjoying themselves."

"If you find life-threatening situations enjoyable, perhaps." Ellora had not moved from where her feet were planted. She only watched as Nicola patted the horse and it fed from his hand.

He finally came back over to her, "Enough. I will teach you."

"Are you sure? Lord Stephan was the best dancer in the Union and even with him as a partner, my dancing was 'atrocious' at best. I don't think my horsemanship will be much better."

Nicola grabbed her hand, "You are always arguing."He noticed her wince, but figured it was her fear getting the better of her. He brought her to the horse's face.

She dug her heels into the ground, "Stop!"

"I am the best horseman in all of Ilios, and the Union. I am a far better man than Lord Stephan." He practically spat the name. He ripped some grass from the ground. He held her shoulders so that she wouldn't run. Nicola was like a wall behind her. Her feet froze in place, not wanting to spook the creature.

"Close your eyes."

She shut them tight quickly, hoping the horse would disappear. Her mouth seemed too dry and her pulse quickened. He put the grass in her hand, "Take it. Now, take a breath. In and out."

She didn't know why she was doing this, following his direction, but in a show of good faith she took a deep breath. It helped to calm her nerves now that her eyes were closed, but her adrenaline still pounded through her veins.

"Better." Ellora heard him mutter behind her.

He lifted her arm out in front of her. She felt something soft touch her fingers. Ellora almost squealed and pulled away, but Nicola was shushing her quietly. The sweet grass tugged out of her hands.

"Open your eyes." She could hear the smile in his voice.

Ellora opened her eyes. Instead of a beast with wild eyes she saw the sweet mare in front of her speckled as though she had walked underneath a waterfall. The horse happily munched at the grass, and sniffed for more, her velvety nose tickling Ellora's palm. She let out a giggle.

"Better?" When she looked up at Nicola, she expected the annoying irritating face that she had grown accustomed to. Instead, it was one of earnest.

"Yes." She nodded. She stepped away from him awkwardly, stunned by their closeness now that her fear was not completely getting the better of her.

"Her name is Lady." Nicola untied the reigns and stood beside her, "Come on."

"Haven't I done enough for today?" She asked, "I let the beast touch me." Ellora eyed it suspiciously.

"Lady." He corrected her, "And are you telling me that the last province who has not joined the Union with Ilios is giving up because their great leader does not want to get over her fear of a horse?"

Ellora bit her bottom lip. Frustration simmered because she knew he was right. She could not give in now, it was just the beginning. Regretting that he was the one to point it out to her, Ellora marched over to his side, "Now what?"

"Put your foot here, and climb up."

She followed his instruction. Suddenly, Ellora was off the ground and above the horse. She sat on the saddle awkwardly, trying to keep her grip and not slip off.

Nicola jumped up behind her.

"What are you doing?" His hands were on her hips.

"Put your center of gravity here." He adjusted her quickly. and then picked up the reigns.

The position was awkward and unfamiliar.

"Here." He handed her the reigns.

She took the rough leather in her hands and pulled it taught.

"No," Nicola adjusted her grip, "Looser, trust the horse."

"Really? You want me to trust something that almost killed me? That is rich." Sarcasm coated her voice, but at this point she did not have much to lose. She was already letting the enemy help her.

Nicola tapped the horse. Lady began to move. Ellora felt like she was going to slip off, but didn't. The horse was going and Ellora had the reins in her hand. She could not believe it. It was a gentle meandering at first.

"Hold on, we're going to go faster."

"What? No..." Was all she could get out before the horse took off into a canter. Ellora held her breath. Her fight or flight skills were stuck in freeze today. Her arms tensed and the horse seemed to become nervous, which made Ellora even more worried.

"Calm down." His voice was warm in her ear, "Lady can sense your fear." He tapped her hand and she gave Lady a little more slack.

Ellora gasped. Her head felt too light and then she remembered to breathe. Nicola laughed at her, kicking the horse into a faster pace. Ellora realized that they weren't near any of the other girls, "Wait, where are we? The field is over that way."

"If you want to learn everything you need to know quickly, we cannot ride in an open field. We're going into the woods."

She swallowed.

"You are really scared, aren't you?" He felt her stiffen.

"No!" She didn't realize how loud her denial was, "No, I just like time to think things through. I learn through instruction first and then doing."

He laughed at her again, "Princess, that is not real life."

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