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Bracken ran for his life through the village. It was the main village on the island, a few others dotted the area, but it was mostly farms and jungles. His feet pounded the dirt road, unused to being in his awkward, constricting shoes. At sixteen, he was slender with gangly lean muscle, and had not hit his growth spurt yet. The houses and streets were deserted for the ceremony. His sister was being celebrated today. His turn would come when he turned eighteen. She, however was nineteen, a "late bloomer" was the rumor among the tribe. An enormous shadow engulfed him quicker than his legs could carry him. The large fist of his brother, Alyn, grasped at his collar. He halted, barely able to keep his balance.

"What exactly do you think you are doing?" Alyn's dark eyes glared down at him. He was a younger version of their father. All of his features from his straight brown hair to his muscled arms, to his treelike height. He was dressed in his finest for his sister's coming of age ceremony, which included a crisp white shirt with billowing sleeves and a bright blue sash, the color of the Island. His dress pants fit snug into his boots.

Bracken shrugged him off, "Let go of me." He slumped down a back alley, knowing that Alyn would follow him. Bracken's "finest"was now rumpled and torn. His was a dirtier, miniature version of his taller, more muscular brother. His shirt was ripped at the sleeve and stained across the chest. He had clearly been in another fight. His cheek was smudged with dirt and the blood on the teenager's lip was beginning to dry.

"Bracken, you're sixteen. You have to stop doing this!" Alyn yelled.

Bracken froze. His fists clenched, knuckles white. He turned on his heel. His brother was a full head taller, but he did his best to reach Alyn's height as he spoke. His voice was wild with emotion, "It wasn't my fault. He started it."

"That is so childish. You realize that today is Ellora's coming of age ceremony, and you caused a ruckus so bad that Father had to stop in the middle of it?" Alyn crossed his arms watching Bracken's anger grow. The wayward boy needed to learn a lesson about turning the other cheek.

"You didn't hear what he was saying!" The boy punched the hard mud wall of the house next to him, picturing his adversary's annoying face all over again. He could barely keep himself from hitting Alyn. His knuckles came away stinging, but he barely noticed.

"Bracken! It doesn't matter what he said. You are a son of the Chief. We have to be better. We have to act for the future of the tribe. You don't get the luxury of acting in anger. Your behavior today was deplorable." Alyn sighed grimly, "I know Raven is a snot-nosed brat, but you know better than to let him get to you. As much as I hate to say this: you have to go back and apologize."

"No way!" Bracken tried to march past him.

Alyn blocked his path.

"Just because he is the Counselor's son!"

"You would have to apologize if he was any member of the tribe. You threw the first punch!" Alyn was done arguing with his adolescent brother. He grabbed Bracken by the arm and began dragging him back to the ceremony, "Whether you like it or not, you are a member of the Chief's family, so start acting like it."

Bracken ground his teeth.

He dragged his feet in the dirt as they approached the ceremony. Raven was sitting on the outside edge of the tribe. His mother, cooing over his black eye, pressing it with a handkerchief of cool water. A couple of girls twirled their hair near him, trying to comfort him and get his attention. Raven was considered to be quite the catch. Just the sight of him made Bracken nauseous with anger. Clapping a hand on his back, Alyn shoved Bracken toward the fuss.

"Raven..." Bracken offered his hand, "Sorry." His words were short. He hated having to apologize, much less to Raven. The girls had scurried away as soon as they saw Bracken. Many of his peers found him scary and standoffish. He rolled his eyes, The exact opposite of Raven!

Raven stood up, about to make a big fuss in front of the whole tribe, but Alyn interrupted, "Boys, let's not ruin the ceremony for the others with anymore quarreling. Today is an exciting day. Doesn't my little sister look happy?"

Raven had a fascination with the Chief's eldest daughter, Ellora. Her golden hair flowed around her in waves like an angel, "Certainly, Sir." As the Counselor's son, Raven spent copious amounts of time with their family. He and Bracken had never really gotten along, but it was even worse now that they were teenagers. Constantly feeling the need to compete with one another to prove who was best. Raven sighed and shook Bracken's waiting hand as a sign of cease fire.

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