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Ellora had finally composed herself and soaked her arm in a cool basin of water by dinner able to avoid any unwanted questions about her possible injury. She sat between Cyrus and Jonas. The once chatty Jonas kept mostly to himself for conversation, which Ellora was grateful for. Cyrus, however, charmed any girl around him. She could barely believe her eyes as Gem, Minerva, and Tiara seemed completely taken with him. Nicola sat cooly at the end of the table. Ava and Nissa chatted happily with him. From the few stolen glances at him, away from her plate, Ellora could tell that he was exhausted. He had clearly been working himself to the bone, trying to fix the village and harbor. She would have admired him for it, had she not been sitting next to Cyrus. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat as his foot kept bumping hers.

"You are not so cordial, Lady Ellora." Cyrus looked at her with fake understanding.

Ellora clenched her teeth. Her injured wrist reached for her glass. She grimaced as she took a sip and cleared her throat, "I ran into something unpleasant earlier today."

"Don't mind her, Lord Cyrus, she is always unpleasant."Minerva practically rubbed herself against him on his opposite side. Ellora was thankful for her distraction, if not a little nauseous at the sight.

After dinner, Mr. Garson announced that the rest of the ambassadors would be arriving tomorrow. Ellora made a beeline for her room, but before she even made it to her hall a familiar voice sent shivers down her spine, "Little dove."

She turned to face Cyrus, "What do you want, Cyrus?"

"It's funny, we spent the whole meal together and you never answered any of my questions. You aren't very hospitable are you?" He stepped into pace beside her as she scurried away.

"Your jokes are old. If you continue, you will find just how inhospitable I can be, Lord Cyrus." She stopped, glaring at him. Enough was enough.

"Lady Ellora!" Mr. Garson's voice echoed through the hall.

Ellora turned to face hi.. Today was a miserable day. She longed just to go to bed.

"This is not how we address our guests." He shook his head.

Ellora curtsied to Cyrus, loathing every centimeter of the bow, "Excuse me, Lord Cyrus."

"Tut, but we are not done speaking." Cyrus raised a brow.

"Ellora, please take care of Lord Cyrus." Mr. Garson glared at her, "And after, you will come see me."

Ellora grimaced at her shoes, "Yes."

Mr. Garson returned to the rest of the guests.

"So you can be obedient." Cyrus blocked her path.

"Excuse me, Cyrus."Ellora tried to get around him, but he blocked her path again.

"What do you want Cyrus?" She glared up at him, "Why did you even come here? You know the Prince hates you."

A quiet rage settled behind Cyrus' eyes, "I came to help." Suddenly he turned on his heal and walked down the all, "Until tomorrow, little dove."

Ellora shook her head, she knew he was lying, but was glad that he was finally gone. She tried to cool the anger that burned in her chest. He had caused that trouble in front of Mr. Garson, just so he could get away with it. It was clear that he did not actually need any of her services. She turned down a different hall, looking for some solace in the large castle, now half filled with new faces. Each ambassador brought their own entourage, and it was hard to remember all of their names. The majority of them seemed to know who she was regardless.

She walked aimlessly until she found her way outdoors. Near the same pond that she had fallen into on her first day here. The maple tree overhead was a fire with red leaves. It was dazzling as it reflected in the pond with the setting sun. The beauty eased her oncoming headache. Ellora could not believe that something so beautiful could happen. She had never seen the trees change colors before. A slight wind calmed her spirit as she breathed in deeply, tucking her arms more around her in the crisp twisting air. It was a good thing that her gloves went all the way to her elbows or she would have been chilled straight through. She mindlessly touched the pendant at her neck, taking comfort from the gift her mother had given her when she had turned sixteen.

"You'll be sick again, if you aren't careful." Nicola sounded angry as he threw his jacket over her shoulders. It was still warm.

Ellora glanced up at him as he took in the sight that she had just enjoyed, "Why is the tree red now instead of green?"

Nicola was completely taken aback, "You don't have rudens in the Southern Isles."

"What is rudens? I heard River and Ava talking about it earlier, and seasons? It all sounds very concerning."

"The trees here change color when there is less sun. The weather gets colder, and the trees fall asleep before winter. A season is a time of the year, based on the weather determines the season. We have vera, rudens, zima, shi, and jaro. Vera is a time of great warmth, the sun is always very bright. Zima is when it snows all across the mainland. The ice crystals are especially beautiful in the North part of Demlya. Shi is always rainy and gray. and Jaro is when everything comes to life again. The trees bud and begin to flower and turn green. On the Isles, you probably have seasons of vera and shi?"

"We do have times when it is warmer and we have also had droughts. Then, it is rainy like in shi." Her toe traced a line in the dirt, Ellora had been slightly confused about the new jargon, but tried to continue the conversation, "The tree is beautiful. I have never seen a plant turn that shade of red." She marveled at the tree.

Nicola couldn't help but marvel at her. He could not get enough of the look she had when she discovered something new. The feeling made the corners of his stoic mouth upturn. He noticed her grasp his coat a little tighter, "Just wait until zima. It gets much colder, so cold that water freezes."

Ellora gasped, "The water here freezes?"

"Don't look so terrified," He chuckled, "It is actually very pretty when it snows. The water crystalizes forming snowflakes and the pond will look like glass, so thick anyone can walk on it."

"Yes, I believe I saw that once. Derya made something like that with her element one day in training. How do you not freeze to death then?" Her voice still carried and edge of fear.

"We start fires. That is why each room has a fireplace."

Ellora nodded, "We only use fire to cook our food and to cleanse our bodies of sickness. It would be too warm to have one all night. Your seasons sound amazing."

Nicola chuckled again.

"How are the people in the village?" Her face went from pure wonder to solemn.

"They are continuing to rebuild, broken hearted. But with all of the ambassadors bringing aid, they are bouncing back quickly." Nicola tried to read her face, but she hid it.

Not wanting Nicola to see her tears, Ellora turned away from him. She knew exactly what was coming next.

"Ellie, stop."

"Stop, what? It's nothing." She murmured quietly.

"Stop taking all of the guilt on yourself. You are doing as much as you can to help, and that is all that we could ask for. We were lucky..."

"Lucky?" She interrupted him, frustrated by her own incompetency, "Lucky that some crazy person who doesn't even know how to use her own powers came to your land and laid waste to it? I cost your people livelihoods, ports, and crops..." She paced away, ready to run.

"Now, wait a second!" He grasped at her hand.

Ellora yelped in pain, drawing her hand away when he instantly released her.

"Your injured." His face cooled in the glow of the setting sun. His eyes narrowing, "What happened?"

She didn't want to get him involved and risk even more of his kingdom to her, "Nothing." She held her injured wrist. It was on fire again. Tears betrayed her, dripping down her cheeks. Nicola's thumb swept them away as he cupped her cheek. Ellora looked up at him and was immediately held captive by the hurt look on his face. It killed her.

His jaw clenched, "Tell me." He felt so juvenile demanding her to tell him, but he had never been good at this, and usually got his way.

Yet, she refused him, "No." Her voice was firm, but quiet.

The Prince of IliosHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin