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Nicola waited in the Library, pacing. They had already been at this for two weeks. He'd successfully avoided Ellora and all of her misconceptions about him since their argument in the infirmary. Each day, he took part in the games of this charade growing more and more agitated with the farce of this competition. Attending dinners, dancing with the princesses, sitting through their horse practice, being the injured during medical training, etc. Today was another day of Element Bearing and it was bound to be just as futile as the other trainings, and mostly formality.

The King had asked to meet him, and so he showed. He slid his hand through his hair. It was already cloudy outside. By the moment the clouds became darker and darker as the Prince's irritation rose. She barely knows me. He was doing his best, trying his hardest. How could she even say those things about me, the Prince of Ilios? My title alone commands respect wherever I go. Aside from that, this whole thing is ridiculous. I have been manipulated into everything by my overbearing father. He must be getting senile to think this would work! He hated being here, hated being in this situation. Although, he did not think himself as the four-year-old brat that Ellora seemed to describe him as. He did see that his people were beginning to suffer from the Union's venture. There were more beggars at the market than he remembered, more drunkards in the taverns, and more children on the streets. What he wouldn't give to escape and forget the whole thing. Go back to the military that was awaiting him.

The King strode in, sitting behind his desk, "Nicola, my boy!" He took up his quill and set about writing on one of the many documents he had to sign.

Nicola stood for a moment, then spoke, it was not the right time to bring in his rage. He tried to keep his voice even, "What is it that you have called me for, Your Majesty?" He tacked on the title to the end for good measure, but he was unable to disguise his irritation.

"Nicola, you will go to Flora in two days, have you made your decision as to which girls you will take with you?"

"The teachers have decided that those who preform the best today will come with me. We will ride out as soon as they are chosen, to complete the festivities as quickly as possible and will return on the same afternoon."

The King tapped his finger against the birch desk, "That will not do. You must have time to get to know them. To talk with them, and to learn about them. Show them about the kingdoms and the lands. Take them for walks, observe them, and enjoy your vacation from the military."

This is hardly a vacation. Lightning flashed outside the castle. Nicola could not reign in his temper. He stomped away to leave.

"Nicola, don't be late for the Element Bearing lesson. We will need to know who is the best. You have been so stand offish. Make sure you try your element with each girl to see which is most compatible. I think light would go very well with fire, don't you?" Nicola knew he was referring to Cyrus in Vatra, and was complaining about how long it was taking Nicola to choose his wife.

Nicola grimaced, "Yes, Your Majesty."

The King chuckled to himself. Happy that he would be able to see his son married soon. A manservant stood with tea already prepared on a tray for him. His chuckle turned into a cough. The servant responded immediately with the soothing liquid. After his coughing subsided, he swirled it happily in his cup. The golden brown mixture sloshing around.

The sky became black, lightning striking every few seconds.

Ellora stared at the sky from the ballroom window. She had been taking the medicine everyday, and it worked. The pain of the burn had turned into a dull ache, however, when they checked it everyday, it didn't seem to be getting better. River didn't know why and before they got anymore chance to really discuss what was going on this morning Ava had burst through the door announcing that the three chosen girls Kendell, Citrine, and Janel were finally picked up by their Provinces to be escorted home. The first round of contestants had gone home.

The lightning struck the ground powerfully and quickly. The clouds passed it between them as though they were throwing the light back and forth, but there was no rain. She turned to River, "It is stormy, but there is no rain?" She loved the rain, loved the rain storms on the island. The feeling of the downpour washing over her hands and face. She longed to run through the droplets.

"The Prince must be in a bad mood." River said gravely.

"A bad mood, but I thought he had started using his element when he was two? Certainly by now he would know how to quell a simple storm." Ellora couldn't help the sarcasm that dripped with every word. She'd been in a bad mood recently too.

"The storms are because the Prince is in a bad mood. He is overly powerful in his element. The most exceptional student that the kingdom has ever seen, like his grandfather. He is so powerful that not even the King can calm his storms. Whenever he is in Ilios the weather is temperamental." Ava explained.

Ellora laughed aloud, "So the Prince is throwing another tantrum?"

"Hardly!" His voice echoed behind all of them. Ellora blushed furiously.

They turned on their heel to see Nicola, standing near the door leading to the garden. He looked irate. If it was possible the sky became even darker, and the lighting brighter and more powerful.

Ellora watched the glow cast across the open field of the garden, glistening across the pond. A calm mirror to the tumultuous sky. Terrifyingly beautiful. She shook her head, recalling his words. Why were they all coming back now? She pulled her fingers into a fist, so that she would not tremble. Her eyes were wide in fascination.

"I will be taking three of you along including River to the Province of Flora. How you preform today will secure your position to come with us. We will stay for two days." He ground out, "See the sights and be returning on the third."

The girls giggled happily beside Ellora, she was still gazing at the storm, hoping rain would start falling.

"I will be leading today's lesson on Element Bearing." He stated simply. He nodded to Mrs. Brooks to complete the speech.

"The Prince will be watching for talent and ability. It is important to have a leader who is capable of standing beside the Prince, finding ways to combine your elements for the best of the Union."

Nicola nodded and began heading out the door. Only a few of the girls began to follow him. Including Tiara, Nissa, and Minerva. An unlikely trio.

The rest stood in the safety of the ballroom.

Nicola came back in, "Aren't you all coming? We have work to do?" His voice echoed over the lightning and thunder.

"My Prince," Minerva interjected, "Some of them are frightened of the storm outside. Of course, not those who know you best, but those who are not brave enough to venture out with you." She hung on his arm. He glanced down at her, and then looked across the room at the faces. A few of them jumped at the next strike. His gaze avoided Ellora and went straight to Derya. She was hiding behind Ellora, completely terrified. He did not even want to see Ellora's judgmental face. His guilt grew. He took a few deep breaths, calming his own personal storm and cleared the sky.

When he opened them the courtyard was vast green and a sky sunny and blue, as though it were the most beautiful day in history.

Derya brightened and headed out to see the beautiful day. The Prince offered his other arm to her. Derya took it smiling and gazing happily up at the Prince's face.

Ellora followed the group along with Ava and River.

The Prince of IliosWhere stories live. Discover now