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Minerva sat near her again today, "That was quite the display on the balcony today." She jabbed.

Ellora picked up a fork to munch at the fruit on her plate.

Minerva smiled, knowingly, "Mrs. Brooks?"

The woman immediately responded, "Lady Minerva." Looking over the table.

"The fruit is superb this morning. What do we have on the schedule again today? I seem to have forgotten." Minerva eyed Ellora so much she shifted in her seat.

Mrs. Brooks smacked her hand with her fan. A red welt immediately beginning to form. The action sharp enough to make Ellora drop her fork. It clattered loudly on the stone floor.

Minerva smiled politely to her.

Ellora reached for another fork, a sharp fan met with her hand again. She grimaced, never able to pick the right fork. When she reached for another one at the full place setting, someone coughed from the other side of her. Heaving a sigh, she decided she was finished with breakfast, before her hands turned black and blue. She shook her head at Minerva, who sat smugly across from her, conversing politely with Mrs. Brooks.

Ellora reached out with a shaky hand to drink her water.

Mrs. Brooks walked away.

"You'll never beat me." Minerva's low voice came across the table, but when Ellora looked up, it was as though she had said nothing at all.

It's not really my goal to beat you. I just want Ilios to leave us alone. Ellora rolled her eyes, and sat patiently waiting for breakfast to be over.

Nicola was the last one into the port. The inlet glistened like diamonds in the sun. Clouds followed him so often, it was hard for him to remember what a clear day actually felt like. He smiled to himself, closed his eyes and breathed in the salty air. His guards were doing their best to remain inconspicuous, while at the same time keeping an eye on the whole crew.

Alyn patted him on the shoulder, "You look well today. So much better than the brooding man who comes in late."

"Yeah," He swept his hand through the back of his hair, "Sorry about that."

Alyn held up his hands, "As always, I don't have to know the details. I am just glad that we can enjoy the day on the water."

Ellora waved to Alyn from the ship. He waved back, a big goofy brother grin sweeping across his face. Nicola was instantly jealous. He and his sisters had always been raised to be proper little Prince and Princesses. He envied the commradery that seemed to follow Ellora and Alyn whenever they were together. A faint window of a different way of life in a royal family. Nicola wondered what that felt like. To be happy and royal.

The other girls skipped around on the deck of the boat, but Ellora ran down a plank to meet them, "Alyn!" She threw herself at her brother.

He caught her up in his arms, "Loraby." Alyn set her down, setting his arm on her shoulder. She was at the perfect level and he was taller than Nicola.

She shrugged him off, "Hey."

Nicola had never really seen her like this. She was smiling, completely unguarded, and happy. Her smile was breathtaking. He blinked as he realized they were heading toward the boat without him. He followed. The boards shifted and moved under his feet as he walked up the planks and onto the boat. It was small in comparison to many seafaring ships, but it would get them out on the water. Today, Nicola was supposed to take the girls on a tour of the fleet. It was a meager fleet, seeing as the Union made up a large Mainland and there were only Northern and Southern Isles. He had asked in vain to expand their Navy. Each time he was met with a resounding "No." Because there were no other land masses around them.

The Prince of IliosWhere stories live. Discover now