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Each of the girls were presented with their element. Mrs. Brook had them sit in a circle. They were provided cushions by the servants. "The task is to entertain the Prince. It will be important for you to be able to show dignitaries and the Union that while in the castle you have great technical skill. Please pay attention to every detail."

Ellora rolled her eyes, Another silly assignment. At home we use our elements to protect, and work, but here we do tricks like dogs. She had tried several times to make something particularly beautiful and failed, always when her concentration lost focus and usually when Nicola was behind her. The water danced and swirled in her palm. It was a mundane trick, but it helped hone her detail skills. She inched the water out from her palms to cover the surface of her fingers, one wrong move and the water would fall out of her hands. A round droplet rose from the center. She stared at it, clear and beautiful. the light of the sun danced through it in a rainbow, swirling in beautiful intricate colors. She changed the droplet's shape so that the rainbow reflected down toward her palm.

Ava awed next to her, "Ellora, that is beautiful." She moved her hand through the light, watching the rainbow dance across her fingers. Ellora smiled at her friend's childlike curiosity.

River cocked her head, she produced a seed from her palm, "May I?"

Ellora nodded, in wonder.

River dropped the seed into her droplet of water, that floated above the pool in her hand. River waved her hands simply and the seed grew furiously into a plant, long stalk with delicate purple flowers.

Ellora glanced at River, "What is it?" She stared back at the plant watching in awe as it grew larger on her tiny water droplet.

"Lavender." River smiled, "It is my favorite flower, and has a myriad of medical uses."

"The scent is so calming." Ava edged closer.

"What a puny little plant! And a simple parlor trick at best." Minerva scoffed to Gem.

Ellora continued to hold the plant the way it had been, refusing to let Minerva get the better of her, "Leave us alone, Minerva. Take your little tag-a-long and find someone else to bother."

Gem put her hands on her hips proclaiming that she was not a tag-a-long, like a small whiney child

She marched off in a huff.

Minerva frowned and turned away.

"Cute." Nicola was suddenly beside her, his voice flat with disdain. His face level with hers.

She jumped and the water splashed, the lavender falling to the ground, "Hey!"

He straightened. He glanced from Ava to River to Ellora. The King had threatened him today, which he did not take to kindly, but had to fulfill. For my sisters. He took a deep cleansing breath.

"Ava, you showed great skill and excitement last week, but have produced nothing this week?"

Ava's shoulders drooped in response.

"Don't worry, you still have time." He smiled warmly at her.

"River, your plant was beautiful and delicate, but it lacked determination and strength." He winked at her, playing his part.

River nodded as though she had been given an assignment from a professor and was determined to receive the highest marks.

Lastly, he turned to Ellora, "You have talent, but lack finesse and focus. Only a few weeks ago you were making swords, yet today you settle for rainbows?"

She shrugged in response. Unless she had necessity, she would rather make rainbows, and controlling clouds of droplets or weapons was taxing and indiscriminate. She was never sure if she could conjure the right thing. The water weapons from when she had fought with Alyn had been a spur of the moment idea, not something she had created before.

"A shrug?" He was astounded, "Is that all I am to receive in response?"

She bit the corner of her lip, trying and failing not to speak her mind, "You're one to talk."

"Excuse me?"

"Lacking focus and finesse. That would be exactly what I would say about the storm earlier today. " She stood, walking away, trying to end the conversation before she said more things that she would regret.

"Wait a moment." This girl had no idea what sort of ground she was treading on. She only knew how to get on his nerves.

She continued to walk away.

"Hey, I said stop!" He caught up with her, catching her arm. A static shock tingled his fingers, surprising him.

"What?" She turned her irritated eyes to him, "And what is with that! Stop doing that!" She pointed at her arm. The comfortable, and familiar warmth spread through her arm. She squashed it.

"I'm not doing it on purpose?" He didn't want to admit what he thought those tiny shocks were, and even if the tales were true, he would denounce them. Instead he continued with their original conversation, "That was kind of harsh. You hardly even know how to control your own element. You are so far behind, I was just trying to teach you." He gritted his teeth.

"Teach me? Teach me how to entertain dignitaries with simple parlor tricks. Nothing useful. Nothing meaningful. This whole thing has been a farce. You are not looking for someone to stand beside you. You are looking for someone to make you look good. If you want someone pretty to hang on your arm, just choose Minerva, send the rest of us home, and most importantly leave the Southern Isles alone."

Hardened fists angled at his side, it was the last straw, "Fine. You may leave, and the Southern Isles will join the Union." She had no idea who she was arguing with, and no idea what he had been through. He had been trying to get along with her as much as he could, but he was too angry at her judgements, his voice was eerily calm and even."I will bring my armies and conquer your insignificant island. It will be easy since you have no army to command, and no Element Bearing to speak of, because you don't actually apply yourself to it, you just wait for someone to come along and walk all over you!"

Ellora's heart dropped from her throat to her stomach. Guilt and anger seized all of her emotions. Like knives closing in around her heart, making it impossible for her to breathe. She had never felt like this before. All hope was lost for her people, and she had been the one to deliver them into the hands of this selfish, arrogant prince. Clouds gathered overhead from the patchy sky. Her vision blurred. She turned and ran from him. His decision was set. As the tears rolled down her face it began to sprinkle. Then rain. Turning into downpour, as though the heavens had opened and out came water from above, soaking everyone and everything. The pond ebbed and swirled in choppy water. The other girls ran inside. River was the last, hesitating a moment in the rain, debating whether or not to talk some sense into her friend.

Ellora ran into a maze of hedges. The rain washing over her in a torrent of emotion, instantly soaked as she cried for her people and herself, about to be subjugated by a cruel and heartless man. Ellora collapsed on a bench in a sobbing, angry heap.

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