[40] mid term finals : exam one

Start from the beginning

Whatever this Hunt was, it would endanger what was left of her family and she couldn't have that happening to them. She packed lightly and scribbled a note for her father, hesitating at the doorstep before slipping out and making her way to the entrance. She knew every exit and entrance, secret and public, so Skylor went through the little copse of trees behind her house and popped out on the other side of the road.

Looking at her phone, Skylor waited for some clue of where her friends were, but their last dribble of conversation came from before Wu's speech. It was five thirty, so she had an hour to figure out where to hide. The last place she knew where they were was Kai's house. Skylor hitched the bag higher up on her shoulder and drew her jacket closer towards, her hand tightly gripping a pepper spray. She readjusted the hood so it concealed her more and set off in purposeful stride.

It took longer than expected to weave through the city inconspicuously. People were already setting out to look for them, the police setting up barricades and stations.

Are we really so corrupted by our power?

She shook off the thought and let herself smile at the tiny victory - she'd reached the Smith's place. Skylor opted to go jump over the fence by climbing a tree in the garden next door, lowering herself down and then tumbling into the backyard. Half winded, she slowly rose to her feet and was suddenly met with a spatula at her throat.

Her eyes flicked upwards and her posture relaxed. It was just Cole, with a highly inefficient weapon.

"Good, you made it here. We have to...we have to uh,"

"Let's go inside," she suggested gently, sensing that Cole wasn't doing too well right now.

When Skylor walked inside, she was met with seven solemn faces. Kai and Nya were barely holding together - their eyes were rimmed with tears and Skylor didn't know why, but it hurt to see her friends like this. Jay was the only one attempting mindless chatter, whilst Pixal, Zane and Cole opted to keep completely quiet. For some reason, Dr Julien and Evan were there too.

"What are we going to do?" She dared to ask, cringing at their blank expressions.

"Wu was supposed to be our plan. Wu was supposed to help us. We have no plan." Jay murmured desolately, abandoning his hopeful talk. "We have to hide."

"Where?" Kai scoffed. "The Sons of Garmadon have Lloyd with them, and we don't even know if we can trust them either."

"Our parents are still gone." Nya whispered, leaning into Jay's side as she let out a choked sob.

"What happened?" Skylor was pretty sure the Smiths were supposed to be out of town for now.

"The Sons of Garmadon attacked us, and took our parents. We don't even know if dad is alive." Kai's green eyes, usually full of fire and ferocity were dull and empty.

Her mouth fell into an 'O' of surprise, and she wanted to hug her friends, but at the thought of touching someone right now made her want to throw up. "I...don't know what to say."

Nya smiled weakly at her. "There's nothing to say. Jay's right, we have to hide. And if possible, contact someone who can help us. Maybe...the Sons of Garmadon are on our side?"

Cole shook his head. "Wu said they'd just oppose him on the throne. Not that they're with us."

"So, we're fucked." Kai laughed to himself, wiping away his tears. "Of all people...fucking Wu."

"That still brings us back to hiding from whatever this Hunt is. We don't have a lot of time." Jay looked at them, curly locks of auburn hair hiding the misery shading his eyes. "I say we split up. That way there's less chance of catching us all."

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