Chapter 8 - Mary Jane did it

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After Marshall crawled back into the hole he belonged, Cake followed waving a 'hola' to Bonnie, leaving us alone once again.

"Did you hurt yourself?" I asked her, concern raking through my voice.

"No, but I sure hope I hurt him!" She yelled loud enough for him to hear.

"I think the blood oozing out his nose was a give away you did." I smiled before turning around, Bonnibel jumped on my back and I hopped down the gap into the library.

In the library I saw my buddy Jake who had his messy, blonde hair poking out from behind some big book.

"Yo, Jake." I called, walking up to the desk he was hunched over.

"Uhh huh?" He questioned, still not looking.

When I got a couple of feet close to him I was suffocated by the stench of wacky tobaccy. I threw his book out of his hand and saw as Jake had his mouth over a bong, the water bubbled as the lighter crisped the Mary Jane.

"Bro, you can't do that in here!" I gasped, only for him to look up at me with huge yet half closed, red eyes and nod.

"Look around, man, there's nobody. You want some? I got an ounce in my back pack." He grinned lazily.

I was going to detention anyway. I was already in trouble.

"Sure." I smiled, as he passed me it.

Bonnie shook her head at me. Meh.

After a few times of my fang bumping against the ring - it hit me. I thanked Jake, passed him his book and bong back slowly and held Bonnie's hand and lead her out the library.

Soon enough we were out on the stairs.

She sat down on the top step, her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hand. I slumped down next to her.

"You stink, Sir is sure to know. " she concerningly sighed.

"Oh, sugar! Does my breath smell?" I leant over to her, I cupped her cheek in my hand and turned her to face me. I breathed gently against her mouth and she blushed adorably.

"Nope, it smells like you - vanilla." Bonbon grinned.

"Good, then come here." I passionately smashed my lips against hers, the force pushed her back onto the top flat bit of the stairs and I climbed on top of her.

"Tell me if I hurt you." I whispered out the corner of my mouth, which she nodded to but was still engulfed in the kiss.

I wanted this, I wanted this forever.

"VAMPIRE KICK!" And I tumbled down the stairs backwards, cracking my head on every step, the darkness filled my mind, I saw my girlfriend rushing towards me, with Finn behind her. best friend, not my girlfriend! My eyes drifted closed...

And then I felt nothing.

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