Chapter 16 - Marshall Me

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~~~Marshall Lee's POV~~~

I woke up to no breakfast in bed, yet again. This was the 3rd morning this week alone and we haven't even reached the weekend yet.

Women, what are they good for? I thought as I stretched and crawled out of bed.

I looked around and I couldn't see PB anywhere, how dare she leave without telling me. She's sure getting a beating when she gets home again.

You'd think after 3 years together and 1 year of marriage (not my choice) she would get the point about listening to me. She'll learn one day.

I sat on the edge of our bed and rubbed my eyes. After a yawn I leant down and picked a black tank tee off the floor and pulled it over my head. Hm, had PB moved my blue hoodie? What the fuck? She only ever cuddles with me if I wear it...not like I care as long as I get my dick wet.

My phone vibrated on the bedside cabinet and I sleepily leant over, unplugged the charger and held it up to my ear.

"Hey, baby." Bubblegum's voice cooed when I clicked the green button.

"Yes?" I rolled my eyes.

"I got told Marceline woke up in the hosp-"

"Your ex?" I cut her off.

"Ye-" she began before I yelled at her.

"Where the fuck are you right now?" I shouted down the phone.

"I-I'm outside her house, I'm just checking if she's...If she's okay." I could hear her voice cracking. I was so sick of her crying.

"Stop fucking crying, I'm coming to come get you, stay where you are." I ordered before I hung up.

Glob, another one of my days wasted. I guess I better go grab my shoes.

About 15 minutes later I jumped out the door and headed straight to that bitch's house. By the time I'm done with her she'll have no teeth left.

She wasn't supposed to wake up, I hit her at 30 mph with a truck and that demon is still breathing. Well, now I'm going to end her properly.

When I arrived in the shithole Bonnibel was sat on the door step crying into her dress, head in hands.

I walked past her and knocked on the door hard. After a few seconds Marceline opened up and she had no time to think before I had her by the throat.

But then something deep inside her snapped and I could tell I made a mistake.

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