Chapter 32

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We had taken the tunnel in which Brea and I had arrived. Then, the stairs came into view, and the sounds of the waterway increased greatly. I shined my flashlight into the water, and thought I saw a tentacle pop out of the water, I ignore it and climb the stairs.

A few mice scurried away as we ascended the stairs. They weren't like the large cat sized mice that called the Underland home, they were normal mice, or atleast normal in my sense. I turn off the flashlight and lifted the cement slab. The cool autumn air blew onto my face. I stepped out and helped Brea and Howard out, then I slide the large piece of cement back into place.

The moon was large and incharge of the nightsky. The stars that I had seen so many times in Virginia were washed out by light pollution. I have to take them somewhere where they can see the stars.

We walk in silence towards the hospital. Then, the blinding white lights of the hospital are in sight. I hate hospitals, they're a place where bad things happen, yes, people are born there, but it still reeks of death. I press the button to call an elevator. The doors open and we walk in. As does 2 young women, one had long ginger hair, and the other bright amber eyes, and black hair. The woman with the ginger hair was holding a tiny baby.

"Congratulations," Brea says, "What's its name?"

"Her name is Jessabella," The woman with amber eyes says.

"Such a pretty name for a pretty baby," Brea said, "I myself have delivered a few babies, although I don't work in the obstetrics department. When was she born?"

"Yesterday evening," The woman with ginger hair says, in a thick french accent. The doors open and all of us shuffle out.

"I'm Doctor Brea Thomson, if you have any questions let me know,"

"I'm Juniper and thats my wife, Yvette," The woman with black hair says.

"Nice to meet you, but I have to get going now, just ask a nurse for me by name, and I will come," She smiled as did the 2 women, then we walked towards Luxa's room.

"Howard you go in first, we'll let you have some time alone with Luxa," He nods and walks in the room.

"Did you and Howard talk when I went away?" My face gets warm, as I remember what happened, "So I'm assuming based on your reaction, you did more than talk?"

"No get your mind out the gutter," She screeched, "We did talk, ugh, you wouldn't understand,"


"Because, you just wouldn't get it,"

"Okay, your right. Im going to go in, wanna come?"

"Oh no, I have a really long shift tomorrow, so I'm going to go home,"

"Okay, goodbye then,"

"Bye," She walks down the hall, to the elevator. I walk into the room. Luxa and Howard were talking quietly amongst themselves. Luxa noticed me.

"Gregor!" I stand next to her and place a gentle kiss the top of her head.

"When you were gone, a nurse came in and said I could be released today,"

"That's great, can you walk on your own?"

"Yes!" She shuffles out of the bed and stands up.

"Okay. I brought you clothes," I pull clothes out of the bag, and hand them to her. She makes her way towards the bathroom. I sat down on the sofa, next to Howard. Luxa poked her head out of the bathroom a few minutes later.

"Gregor can you come here," I make my way to her, "Can you button this for me?" She points to her blouses back. The opened back revealed her pale skin. My face gets warm and I quickly button it.

"There you go," She turns around.

"Thank you," She kisses my cheek. I stare into her captivating violet eyes, I could drown in them if I wasn't careful.

"Let's get moving," Howard says impatiently.

"Right," I said. I grab Luxa's hand and we walk out of the room, she walked with a slight limp. We walked into the elevator, and went to the lobby.

It took awhile to check her out, but we walked out, as the sun inched its way into the colorful morning sky.

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