Chapter 25

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Luxa was laying on the bed, tubes all over the place. Doctors and nurses running around, making her stable. A nurse ushered us out of the room. There were a few chairs beside the door, I walk over and sit in it.

"What are they doing?" Howard asks angrily, pacing.

"They don't want us in there," I say. Howard throws himself on a chair, he was tapping his foot, anxiously.


An hour passed before Nurses stopped running in and out of the room. A nurse approached us.

"Are you here with, Luxa,"

"Yes, how is she? Will she be okay?" I say, standing up in my chair.

"Yes she will be okay, thats the good news,"

"Whats the bad news?"

"She seems to be in a coma like state, we don't know how long it will until she wakes up," The nurse pauses, "We can move her into a room where one of you can stay with her and we need your insurance provider,"

After a quick call with my dad and some paperwork, we had insurance and Luxa was moved into a different room.

"Howard, I will stay with her. You need to go back to Regalia, you are needed there, not here,"

"I will not leave my cousin,"

"You are of no use up here. Regalia needs you,  the raid injured people, you can help them, thats what Luxa would want you to do,"

Howard finally agreed after putting up an argument, he was to leave tonight and would come back once a week to visit.

We left at midnight and Howard left to go back to Regalia. I stopped by my apartment and grabbed some clothes for tomorrow.


The next morning and the morning after that, Luxa shower no signs of improvement.

Weeks passed or months, I cant remember, everything was fuzzy. Howard came to visit every week.

Everything was the same. I felt like a darkness was taking control of me. I was barely sleeping and eating. My parents, Lizzie, and Boots came to visit, although Boots insisted on being called Margret instead.

I was starting to lose hope, I was slowly falling into a dark depression. Everything blurry. I lost track of the days after 3 weeks.


It had been week 18, my hope and faith waning by the long miserable days, when suddenly her eyes opened.


Sorry, if the chapter doesn't make any sense, grammatically. Im just super tired and really unmotivated to write right now, but I'm pushing through. Chapter 2 of "Restart" and "The Kings Game" should come out in the next few days. It would mean alot if you checked them out. Well, goodbye for now.

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