Chapter 8 (e)

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I look to my left and Vikus is standing there. He looks more tired, older.

"Gregor, how have you been. It's been quite some time," My hands are still clammy. I am still so nervous. I feel like a stranger. I used to feel like this place was home. Now, I'm a stranger.

"Yeah, it has been a while,"

"Gregor, why don't you follow me," Vkius must have sensed my discomfort. He walks to the right. I follow him. We walk a little way in silence, "Queen Luxa will be happy to see you have returned," He stops in front of a room with curtain acting as a door. He pulls back the cloth. There was a bed.

"You rest now. There will be clothes for you in the morning," Vikus lets the cloth curtain fall. I go and sit on the bed.

I sit there for a while. I see the Regalians put the torches out of the windows in the room. It must be night then. I look at my watch. 2:08 AM. My eyelids are getting heavier. I set my bag next to the bed.

The sheets are soft. It feels like it is made out of the silk the clothes are made of. I lay beneath the sheets and drift into a peaceful sleep.


I open up my eyes and groan. I sit up and look around. I spot the pile of clothes. I quickly change into them, not wanting anyone to walk in. I glance at my watch, 10:32.

After I get dressed I walked out of the room. I see no one down the hall. I haven't been here in 6 years, I might get lost. At least I know where the High Hall is. I head the direction opposite to the High Hall.

I turn the corner and run into someone.

"Sorry," I say. I get up to help them up. I notice a golden band on the ground, "Luxa?"

"Yes, and who might you be?" We are both standing up now

"It's me, Gregor," Her eyes go big in shock. She leaps towards me. I feel her arms wrap around me.

"I missed you," She whispers

"I missed you too,"

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