Thank you!

277 3 10

Omg guys we just hit 7k reads!

It means alot to me! Like alot more than anyone could possibly know. Especially on Halflan- FUC- Return to the Underland, ehm idk was that was... I mean Return to the Underland is my baby, it's what started my whole writing hobby. Although, I'd like to think of it as my job, rather than a hobby. I mean I write every freaking day man. Although I never want to get paid for my works, because I want anyone and everyone to be able to read them, idk I've just never thought of actually gaining any money from this hobby.

Buttttt, I want to do something special, like a q&a or something like that for this wonderful celebration!

So just give me your thoughts on it, or if you have another idea. I'll gladly take any ideas under consideration!

I also have something in the works MWHAHAHAHAHA


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