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Hello, again!

I know I already said goodbye, and this afterword is kinda late.

First, I just wanted to thank that one person, who inspired me to pick Halflander back up, you know who you are, and thank you.

Secondly, I wanted to thank you, the reader, for reading Halflander. Whether you were here from the beginning, middle, the end, or after it finished, I just wanted to thank you, for staying.

Also, thank you to the people you said such nice things to me, one person said I should get Halflander published, and quite a few said it was the best GTO fanfic they had ever read.

Halflander, was just a side project of mine back in March, I never expected it to get this popular, and have 4k reads!!! But, people kept asking for more, and more until I was updating every day or every other day. Writing was just supposed to be a hobby of mine that I did every once in awhile, but now I like to think of it as my "job" I don't get paid in money, but in peoples enjoyment and support, that is all I need. Is just people loving what I put out there, and showing me support, by voting, commenting(i love reading comments), messaging me saying how much they enjoyed it, or heck even just reading it.

I just wanted to show appreciation to everyone who has stuck around with me on this long, 8 month journey. So, thank you all, and goodbye, for now.

Warmest wishes,

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