Chapter 10

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He tried to get up, but, failed.

"Is that you Overlander?" He was looking over at Luxa and I. I was on the floor. Luxa was kneeling beside me.

"Yes, it is," He looked skinny. He was there for 4 years. Longer than my Father. He may have been here for 2 years but, it took 4 years for dad to fully heal and he still has some issues.

"I'll leave," Luxa said. She walked away. I watched her turn the corner. I was alone with someone I have been mourning for 6 years. I feel tears fall down my face. I sit at the edge of the room, on the floor with tears streaming down my face.

"Gregor, come here," He says. He sounded so weak. I carefully walk around his wings. There was enough space beside his head for me, I with my legs crossed. I sit there beside him. Crying.

"I-I thought the Bane killed you," I pull the little black plastic bat out of my pocket. I always have it close to me, I hold it in my hand. I look over to Ares, he lies there helpless. I felt the tears slow down, then, they stopped.

"I remember when you...saved me from being exiled. I kept hoping...that you would come down. I kept replaying every memory I had of you. I knew that you would...come back. That one memory, of our bonding ceremony, that is what...kept me going through those days of hunger, and torture," He had to pause to catch his breath. I just sat there staring at him in disbelief.

"Gregor, we have to go now. The council has requested your presence," Luxa says

"Ok. Bye Ares. I will come by later," He moves his wing to touch my knee. I pat his wing.

"Goodbye, Gregor," I sit up. Ares moves his wing so I can walk out of the room. Luxa moves out of the way. I unclasp my hand that holds the little bat toy. I look into the room where my bond lays. I take a deep breath and follow Luxa out of the hospital.

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