Chapter 21

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I open the door and see my worst nightmare.


She lay there in a bed, full of bruises and wounds. Most of them were deep.

"Shes not going to survive," I say, "She will have a better chance of survival in the Overland," She nods, examining her wounds. My eyes burn, I'm on the verge of tears.

"Go get a doctor," she says. I nod and find Howard standing in the hallway.

"I-is she going to make it?" He asks, tears streaming down his face .

"She will not survive down here. I say take her to the Overland, she will have a better chance of survival," He nods as he takes it all in.

"Im afraid your right. Let me help get her ready,"

He walks in the room and sits in the floor, his hand squeezing hers and he was mumbling. Howard and the Nurse cleaned her wounds while I dressed them, to take her to the Overland. The biggest one was on her stomach, it took alittle bit for the blood to slowly stop so we could clean and dress it. Howard had to stitch a couple of them.

"Okay, she's finished," I say, "Wheres Aurora?"

"In the High Hall, I think. I will go grab a wheelchair you stay here," Howard says. He and the Nurse leave the room. I kneel on the floor and grasp her hand.

"Why, why couldn't you come back safe, you promised," I finally let the tears fall. Sobs racked my body as I sit there holding her hand in mine. Her hands squeezes mine. I look at her lying in the bed. Her eyes open.

"Gregor," she says, "I'm sorry," she winces in pain. I quickly get up and grab the pain relief. I hold it to her lips and she swallows some.

"Im so glad your awake," I say wrapping my arms around her small frame.

"I got the wheelchair, Nurse Alma is getting Aurora ready as we speak," His jaw drops when he sees her awake. He runs to her side.

"Cousin, your okay," He says, "Drink this, we need you to rest," he says. After a few minutes she was out, "Gregor I will get the wheelchair, you pick her up and put her in here," He walks across the room to the wheelchair and wheels it back to the bed. I pick Luxa up bridal style and carefully set her in the wheelchair.

Its a team effort for Howard and I to carry the wheelchair up the stairs. He carries one side I carry the other.

After what seemed like ages we arrived in the High Hall, Aurora and Nike being the only bats there.

"Are you coming Howard?"

"Yes, I want to see the Overlands medical offices," He says, "And to make sure my beloved cousin is okay," I climb onto Aurora. Howard grabs Luxa and carefully places her into my open arms. I put her infront of me. Howard hops onto Nike, who is holding the wheelchair.

We all fly out of the High hall towards the Waterway.

Once we arrive Nike lands on the stone platform anddrops Howard off with the wheelchair. I grab Luxa and slide off of Aurora.

"We will be back in a few days," I say, putting Luxa on the wheelchair, "There are a million stairs. You ready?" I ask Howard

"Of course," We ascend the stairs.


Yay, 2 updates in one day! This honestly would have been published and hour after chapter 20, but I fell asleep, heh. But its published and longer than my usual chapters so, yeah. Have a great day!!!

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