Prologue (e)

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"Do you really have to leave?" Her violet eyes stared up into his brown ones. Tears forming in her beautiful eyes.

"Yes, I'm sorry, but I will come back don't you worry. Trust me I don't want to leave either," They just stand there hugging in Henry's cave. This is the place where they met during the night before he moved to Virginia.

"Just promise me that you will come back,"

"Of course, this is the only place I feel like I belong and I have made so many friends here than I did in the Overland. I even saved the Underland multiple times, why would I not come back,"

"Let me tell you of a story, there once was an Overlander, his name forgotten, came down here once. He saved the people of Regalia from the diggers. He fell in love with the queen's daughter, Princess Andromeda. He promised her he would come back. The princess waited, days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years. The princess's parents forced her to marry a strong soldier. Thirty years later she was Queen and had 3 sons and a daughter, the Overlander never returned, even though he promised he would come back. She died never knowing what happened to the Overlander,"

"And...why did you tell me this?"

"So you know that I will kill you if you don't come back," They both laughed

"I would never leave you like that jerk," He looked at his watch it read 5:10

"Well, I better get back, because Mom will be waking up in 30 minutes,"

"Aurora and I will fly you back," They flew over the waterway, the water dark and full of mystery, he touched his arm where the squid left a scar. They arrived at the place where the Underland connects to the Overland.

"Why don't you come up and see the night sky with me,"

"I will," her voice full of hesitation. They walked up the steps hand in hand. He moves the stone slab away and feels the cool Autumn breeze. The stars glittered in the sky, and the moon full and bright hung just over the horizon line.

"It's beautiful," she said softly. The soft breeze messing with her silvery blonde hair

"Just like you are," she turns a shade of red, which was easy to see due to her almost translucent skin.

"Well, I should get back to Aurora," He quickly pulls her into a kiss, nothing passionate.

"Now you may go," She looks at me one last time and heads down the stairs. He watches as she descends into the blackness. His first and only love, walking away from him, but he knew deep down, he would see her again, he just had to. With tears forming in his brown eyes, he slid the slab over the entrance to the Underland.

That was the last time he ever saw her, 6 years ago.

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