Chapter 5 (e)

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I arrive in New York City


The city was just how I remembered it. Bustling with activity, full of life. I missed the tall buildings. I turn on the road where my apartment is. It is near Central Park about 3 blocks away.

I pull into a parking place and hop out of my car. I lock it and walk up to the building. It is fairly tall about 6ish stories, the building was a clean white. Above the door was a neon sign that read, The Glittering Oasis. I open the glass doors. 

The lobby had baby blue walls with a few couches. I walk up to the counter 

"Hello, welcome to The Glittering Oasis. My name is Karri, how may I help you  ?" A girl with long black hair and bright blue eyes says over-enthusiastically. 

"Hi, I bought an apartment online last week,"

"Did the website give you a number?" I pull out my phone and open up the website.

"Um, 569867," 

"Apartment 568, Gregor?"


"Okay, your room is on the 6th floor here are your keys. Have a nice day," She hands me a set of keys and smiles, too big. 

"Thanks," I walk towards the elevator right next to the help desk. I step in.

"Hold the elevator please," someone yells. I put my hand on the doors to stop them. A young woman she was pretty. Her brown hair tied in a messy bun atop her head. Her green eyes stared into his apologetically, it looked like she was wearing medical scrubs under her jacket. She walks in and I press the button labeled 6.

"Thank you, "

"No problem,"

"Where are you going," She asks

"Sixth floor you?"

"Sixth also," 

"Did you just move here?" She asks

"Yeah, I just moved here," I say. The elevator stops and the doors open. 

"See you around," She says

"Wait," I say, "Can you help me find apartment 568?" 

"Yeah, that's right next to mine. Follow me," She turns to the right. She leads me down a wide hallway. 

"Hey I never got your name," I say

"Oh, it's Brea. Yours?"

"Gregor," I say

"Well, here it is. Nice talking with you," She walks to the next apartment. 

"It was nice talking with you too," She unlocked it and walked in. I grab my keys and unlock the door.

It was already furnished. The walls were a tan color with red trim. Wow, they took the whole desert oasis theme seriously. I think to myself. I set my keys on the kitchen counter and walk out the door. I leave it unlocked because I'm bringing in my stuff. 

10 minutes later I have all of my stuff in the living room. My stomach grumbles. I remembered a good Chinese place that was right down the road. I walk out and lock my door and head to the restaurant. 

The sun was setting. The sky was brilliant oranges, reds, and purples. The sun was about to dip past the horizon line. 

I walk into the Chinese restaurant. I order my food. A nice Asian woman was attending the register. I walk out a few minutes later food in hand. It was dark out now. The sun was past the horizon leaving little light for me to walk home. 

I arrive home and sit at the island in the kitchen. I get out my food and start eating.

"I'll unpack later," I mumble to myself as I see my stuff sitting by the door. I walk into the hallway into the bedroom. I open the door. I had put my clothes in here. I grab some flannel pants and a plain green shirt and wrap myself in blankets. I slowly drift off into a dream-filled sleep.


Hey, I finished this chapter earlier than I thought. I missed writing Halflander. But, I wanted to catch up on my other stories. I will be writing weekly hopefully. Well, until I update again.

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