Chapter 27

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"Luxas not from here right?"


I feel my hands get clammy. 

"Um, what do you mean 'from here'?"

"Like not from here, from a different world or place," 

"Why would you say that?" I ask

"Well her skin is so pale, its almost translucent and she has a strange accent, also not to mention her eyes are vibrant purple,"

"W-well, she isn't an alien if that's what you are trying to get at," I chuckle, nervously. 

"There is something your not telling me,"

"There isn't. Lets get back to the room," I walk away, quickly. Brea speed walks towards me. I reach Luxa's room and I am about to open the door when Brea catches up and grabs my arm.

"Stop avoiding the question is she from here or not," Her greens eyes burning into mine. 

"Okay, not here and not now. Come to her room tonight after your shift," I tell her and I open the door and walk in. I hear her walk the other way. I sigh with relief. I walk farther into room and see Luxa attempting to walk. I run to her side before she falls. I catch her her before she hits the floor.  

"You have to be careful," I say to her. She looks at me and hugs me.

"I'm sorry," She says, I wrap my arms around her and bring her closer.

"What for?" I whisper.

"You told me to be careful, I even promised and look now I can barely walk by myself," I feel her walk away. I put my hands on her shoulders.

"It wasn't your fault. Those damn Nameless are to blame,"

"No its my fault," She says I help her walk to the couch. She sits and looks down, "Howard, he's a lieudendant, was injured so I went to his side to help him, I didn't see a group of them behind me. I let down my guard and they took advantage of that and attacked me. The last thing I remember is seeing is Katherine dragging me off into the castle, then everything is black. I couldn't feel anything I was numbed by the pain," She was fidgeting with her hands. I set my hands gently on hers. She looks at me.

"It's not your fault, you were helping your comrade," Her eyes were full of sadness. I hug her. We sat there for a minute. I pull away and look at my watch. Crap, it was already 5.

"Sorry, but I have to go now. I will be back later tonight," I kiss the top of her head and get up, "I will bring you back some food, okay,"

"Sounds great," She smiles. I open the door and walk out. I head towards the exit. I was stopped when I felt a tug on my arm. I turn around, Brea stood there in her blue scrubs and an white coat over top.

"My shift ends in an hour, so meet you there?" Brea asks


"Okay great, I have a patient to go to now, bye," she says enthsyatically. 

"Bye," She runs towards an elevator. I turn around and walk towards the exit. 

I arrive at my apartment, 10 minutes later, and I start whipping up some food to bring to Luxa.

About an hour later I hear a knock on my apartment. I open the door. Brea stood there with Luxa.


We're almost to the end! just a few more chapters!

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