Chapter 9

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We sat on the floor, embracing each other. I heard her sniffle. She pulls away.

"Gregor, I have something to show you," Her face is wet with tears. Tears are still falling from her violet eyes. I wipe them away. I stand up and help her up. She grabs my hand and leads me towards the High Hall.

We go past the High Hall down a set of stairs. The stairs stop, we must be at the bottom. The lowest floor is the hospital. 

"Why are we in the hospital?"  I ask

"You'll see,"  Her face was dry of tears now. She approaches a doctor, "Howard, how is he?" That was Howard!? He doesn't look like the Howard I remember. This Howard has a beard and an older face.

"Good. Who is this?"

"Gregor, Howard. He returned..." She looks at me and asks, "Er, Gregor when did you return,"

"Last night-" she interrupted me

"Last night," she said with a big smile. Howard looks at me.

"Nice seeing you again, Gregor," He smiles, "You better go see him before he goes back to sleep. Nurse Joan just checked on him 3 hours ago. He was awake then, but he won't be awake for much longer," Luxa nods.

She drags me to the last hallway. We walk down to the first room. The curtain was covering it.

"Are you ready?" She asks

"Sure. What do I have to prepare for?" She pulls back the curtain. There on a large blanket was my bond, Ares.

"How, I saw him die!"

"He was found in a pit, 2 years ago. He was captured by the Nameless, a group of rats that follow the Bane. He was there for three years. The bat that you rode into battle was a bat thrown into the deadlines after he killed his bond, Phobos was his name. Ares is getting stronger every day, he will fly the sky again," I am on the floor on the verge of tears. I saw my bond die that die. 

"Overlander?" He says


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