Chapter 7 (e)

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Then, I lift the block and descend into the empty void. That will lead me to her.


I placed the block back and turned on my flashlight to bright. It was endless. The void never ended. I take a deep breath and head down into the empty void.

The concrete turned into stone. I kept walking down the stairs. I could only think about one thing. Her.

I snap out of my thoughts. I could faintly hear the Waterway, I rub my arm where the tentacle scars are. I breathe in. My hands were clammy and I could feel my face getting warmer. Why was I so nervous?

I can here the Waterway getting closer. I have to be careful, I tell myself. I shine my flashlight down the uneven rocky stairs. After 4 more steps it flattens out.

I walk to the flat surface I look around cautiously.

"Who are you and what is your business down here?" A familiar voice says. I turn the flashlight off, creatures down here are sensitive to light, I don't want to anger anyone. I have practiced my echolocation ever since I left. With the flashlight off it was pitch black. I start making clicking sounds. I can see around me. I look over in the direction of the voice. There was a large rat. It had an x on its face.

"Ripred?" I ask, "It's me Gregor, the Warrior,"

"Finally about time you show up boy," He says, "We were starting to lose hope that you would split and never return. I'm guessing you're going to Regalia,"

"Yeah," I say, "You can take me there?"

"Yes," He says, "You better hurry up," Then he runs into a tunnel I had missed.

"Come on boy, we don't have all day," I follow Ripred into the dark tunnel.

My mind was racing. I had to turn on my flashlight awhile back. I couldn't concentrate on running, thinking, and using echolocation.

We were running for what seemed like an eternity. When finally I turned a corner and saw the brilliant city of Regalia.

We walk up to the wall surrounding Regalia. The gates opened. The little street was busy. Regalians trading and children playing. A few looked in my direction, whispering to one another.

"They don't recognize you boy. Hell, I didn't even recognize you," He says

"Well, it has been 6 years, you would have to expect that," Beyond us lay the magnificent palace. Its towering stone walls, still as smooth as ever.

"Ripred, are you here to see the Queen?" A soldier at the lift says.

"Yes," He says. He walks on the lift, "Boy, you coming or what?" I walk in the lift and stand near the edge.

We reach the top. My hands were still clammy, for some unknown reason. We walk off of the platform. The High Hall was full of bats and Underlanders.



Hey, this chapter is a little late. Sorry, I was writing this on my phone not my Chromebook like I usually do and I couldn't get my Chromebook for the last little bit cause my cat was laying on me. I'm to nice to push her off. Heh, her name is Luxa. It is going to be weird talking about a different Luxa.

Also, thank you so much for 222 reads it really means alot to me. I never expected one of my stories to get that many reads. I honestly still can't believe it. But, until next time, bye.

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