"Let's find something to do." He tells the feline, leading the way upstairs. He closed the door to his room once there, and pulled off his hoodie. Missy settled on the bed, looking like she was ready to sleep. Scorpius checked his messages.

Orion: I still have your wand from last weekend. Did you need it back?

He tapped his thumbs together as he considered what to say in response. Whatever magic he'd used in the last week was wandless- thankfully since he hadn't wanted to talk to Orion. He was avoiding everyone, in case that wasn't obvious. Scorpius sat at his desk, spinning in the chair.

Scorpius: Do you have a way to get to London?

Orion: Why? You asking me out?

Scorpius: very funny. I'm asking if you want to meet at Diagon Alley. For my wand.

Orion: Sure. Where and when?

Scorpius: Flourish and Blotts. 7 tonight.

Orion: See you then

Scorpius checks the time, seeing he had several hours until then. He sets his phone on his desk and collapses on his bed to sleep the day away.


Since it was spring turning summer, the sun didn't set until late in the evening. So even when Scorpius woke up and changed, it was bright and warm outside. His sleep had been fitful and restless. Like it had been all week. Since it was finals, he didn't mind staying up and studying. But now that he was home, the sleeplessness would start to get to him. Without any distractions...

He pulled a white tee shirt on, a black beanie to hide his messy white hair, and his basic black jeans and boots. Scorpius hooked his jacket on his arm, tucking his cigarettes, wallet, and phone into the pockets. It was too warm to wear it, so he just swung it over his shoulder and left the bedroom. He walked down the hall to the guest rooms and knocked on his cousin's. Michael opened the door, dressed in charcoal grey from head to toe. His identical basilisk scar on his arm as purple as Scorpius's. A muggle might think they went and got matching tattoos. His hair was dull and fell past his forehead into his soulless eyes.

"What do you want?" Michael Greengrass asked, leaning a shoulder against the doorframe.

"To borrow your wand." Scorpius replies with the same amount of vigor.

"Borrow Raven's." He orders. One of the few people on this earth willing to order Scorpius Malfoy around, and actually follow through.

"Her core is unicorn hair. It's a pain in the ass to deal with. Yours is the same as mine. Dragon heartstring." Scorpius disregarded his cousin's words. Michael opened his mouth, clearly going to come up with some other excuse. "I just need to apparate to Diagon Alley. I'll have it back to you by midnight." Not that it was going to take five hours to get his wand back from Daniel- but that errand wasn't the only one on his list.

"How do you know what my wand's core is?" Michael crossed his arms. Scorpius internally groaned, but didn't let that annoyance touch his outward persona.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe when I ran around in the garden in your body I happened to use your wand, and pick up on it's aura." Scorpius's sarcasm made Michael grin.

"Someone's feisty. Where's your wand anyways?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Scorpius sneers. Michael grabs his wand from within the room, and extends it to Scorpius.

"Don't break it." The ghoul looking boy snaps as he hands it over.

"It's Chestnut. If I broke it, it would be an improvement." Scorpius stuck the end into his back pocket, giving a chuckle at the murderous look that crossed Michael's face at the insult. "Relax." And he turns on his heel, heading down the hall and the stairs. It looked like most of the people who were there earlier had cleared out.

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