I am the Living Evidence

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"Eyyy Sakura." A chocolate haired guy with amber brown eyes called out, walking towards the honey colored girl with emerald orbs.

"Hai?" Sakura replied, looking at Shaoran, towel hung on his neck.

I guess they're done with soccer practice...

"You look awful, Shaoran." Sakura teased, looking at Shaoran's slightly red face from practice, exhausted face, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead and his uniform covered with dust and....a small cut on his left cheek.

"Look who's talking." Shaoran curtly said, looking at Sakura's cheerleading uniform, it was covered with dust and dirt, tired face, her face also red and she was slightly panting, and a...bruise on her right shoulder.

Walking towards each other, "Why do you have a cut on your left cheek/bruise on your right shoulder?" They asked in unison, as they both pointed each others injury.

Looking a little surprised, they started laughing. "Anyway, ladies first." Shaoran said.

"Well..." Sakura started, as she looked down on her right shoulder and she saw a small, half a fist size purple mark on shoulder. "I think this happen when the new girl accidentally hit me with her baton. Wow. Look at it.. It's so purple." She said, looking and fingering her bruise , then she looked at the guy infront of her.

"How about you?"

"Oh, I got the cut when one guy tackled me on the ground and there was a sharp stone." He explained. "But yours are ugly." He added as he fingered Sakura's bruise, looking at her with worried eyes.

Smiling, "We should go the clinic." She said, as she fingered Shaoran's cut.

Little that they know, some mauve paired of eyes was....video taping them.

"Sakuraa-chaan~!" Tomoyo called out. Slightly startled, Sakura turned to Tomoyo.
"Anyway, later. Gotta change." She said to Shaoran.

"Same here. Later." Shaoran said, as he heard someone called him.

"Myyy. Sakura-chan, you have a bruise." Tomoyo suddenly said, looking at the bruise with concern eyes.

"Oh, it's just a small bruise. Shaoran and I will be going to the school clinic. Want to come Tomoyo-chan?" Sakura said, looking at her bestfriend-cousin, who was also looked at her.

"I would like to." Tomoyo cheered, but her smile drop when her bodyguards came. Noticing Tomoyo's face, she smiled and comforted her. "You should go home first, Tomoyo-chan, it's already late in the afternoon."

Sulking, Tomoyo nodded. "See you tomorrow, Sakura-chaan~."

"See you tomorrow, Tomoyo-chaan~." Sakura waved.


A couple of seconds later, Shaoran came. "Tomoyo already went home?" He asked, as he saw Sakura alone in front of the school clinic's door.

"Yeaah, her body guards came." She nodded.

"I see. Let's go inside." He said, opening the door. They were greeted by silence and white wallsC vacant small bed and the school nurse wasn't around.

"Should we wait for the school nurse?" Sakura asked, as he saw Shaoran opening a drawer and taking out some ointment and stuff.

"Nah, she'll eventually come."

Looking at Shaoran dabbing a cotton balls on an alcohol, she went towards him and gently took the cotton balls. "Let me." she smiled.

"Ow!" Shaoran winched, as he felt a sting on his cut. "It's just a small cut, don't be such a baby, Shaoran." Sakura giggled, looking at him, almost 6 feet tall, stunningly handsome, intelligent and athletic.

"I am not a baby, you were just plain rough." He retorted. "There done." Sakura cheered, putting a band aid on his left cheek.

"Thanks. Now your turn."

Putting an ice pack on Sakura's bruise, Sakura slightly yelped.

"So cold...."

"Bear with it."

They were silent for a couple of second, as if waiting for the nurse to return.

Breaking the ice, Shaoran said,

"Ne, Sakura, are you going to watch our game this weekend?"

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world. Plus, you forgot. The cheerleaders are going there to cheer with you guys." Sakura cheered and slightly reminding Shaoran.

"Oh. Yeah." He respond as he remembered it and slightly chuckling at himself.

"Ne, Sakura..." He trailed off.

"Yes?" Sakura replied, looking at Shaoran's amber brown eyes...looking at her straight in the eyes.

She suddenly felt a strange ping throughout her body, and strange chill running up to her face, feeling her face getting hot.

Looking at Sakura's bright green eyes, as if she's looking at his inner soul. His heartbeat beat faster, his hands felt clammy. Slightly getting embarrassed, he looked away.

"Erm..." He choked, inhaling and exhaling then, he looked again on those Sakura's dazzling green eyes, as he started clenching his fist.

"Can...I...erm..borrow your green ribbon?" He finished, blushing red, looking anywhere but her.

Slightly gaping at Shaoran, then she giggled. "Of course, why not? But why? And here I thought you'll be confessing to me or something, Shaoran." She said, hiding her tiny disappointment of her voice, looking at the blushing guy in front of her, who was still holding the ice pack.

"What if....I start falling for you?"
He whispered out or a sudden...looking at her emerald eyes.

"HOEE?" Eyes widen open, her heart racing, looking at him with red face, as if he said aliens abducted him or something unbelievable.

Slightly turning red.. "Nothing. Forget that." He said, "It's...impossible for a girl to fall for me anyway." He muttered, looking away, shoulder slumped back.

Impossible? Is he joking? Shaoran is good looking, smart and athletic, any girls would fall for her....even me.

Looking at Sakura he said, "I'm sorry for...saying those. It just...crossed my mind." He smiled...weakly.. "It's impossible..." He mumbled.

"Nooo, it's not." Sakura said, looking at Sakura, hands on his shoulder, comforting him.

"Yess, it is.." Shaoran weakly argued.

"It is possible.....
I am the living evidence." Sakura cheerfully said....despite the fact that her face was red as a tomato.

"Eh?" Shaoran stared at her, his eyes widened, confused.

"Nothing~ forget what I said." Sakura said, trying to conceal her voice starting to waver...and a little disappointed that he didn't respond on her...cheerful confession-like thingy.

After a couple of second, "EHH?!" Shaoran exclaimed, his face turned red, eyes widened.

But Sakura just nervously laughed, looking anywhere but him.

Shaoran was about to say something when...they heard a....squeal, a familiar squel.

Ears turned red,

Both Sakura and Shaoran exclaimed in unison, as they saw the door creaked open.

"Hohoho~" Tomoyo, sweatdropped, getting exposed just ruined Shaoran's respond, but still happy that she followed both of them and video taped Sakura's bold and cheerful confession.

Some of those....happen in me...in reality~ XD

Hope you vote and comment. X3

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