The Graduation Surprise

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A/N: Hiiiiii~! Em feeling productive this month. Hohoho.

I wrote this story around Jan this year. But I got writer's block, but I just finished a couple of mins ago. Hohohoho! XD

Graduations are neaaaar, so I think it's the right time to publish this.

Anyway, enjooy~^o^/


"I don't want my picture to taken. I don't care about it. Back off."

The man holding a camera flinched, as he looked up at the guy in front, looking down at him. Literally. Sakura gawked at Shaoran. She quickly ran towards him and apologized at the photographer.

"I'm very sorry. My boyfriend's not in the mood at the moment. Just give me a min." Sakura politely told the guy, who was slightly shaking.

As if thankful of Sakura telling him to go away, he quickly ran away as much as possible at the chestnut haired guy, the photographer sighed in relief, and gulped a glass of water nearby.

"Shaoraaan! How could you say that to him? He's just doing his job." Sakura scolded her grumpy boyfriend.

Shaoran just sighed heavily. He looked at Sakura, his clearly annoyed face slowly changed into a slightly calm face, but his aura was still screaming "Come near me and I'll end your life."

Sakura noticed sadness, anger and annoyance in Shaoran's eyes. And it broke her heart. What can I do to make him stop looking like that? She thought.

Out of instinct, she hugged him.

In the middle of the gymnasium. Filled with students, parents, teachers and staff. In their graduation day. In their toga. And everybody was too busy in their own business to noticed them.

A bit taken back, Shaoran's grumpy face broke into a tiny smile and hugged back.

"What's wrong, my wolfy?" Sakura purred, inhaling Shaoran's amazing scent.

Slightly chuckling at Sakura's endearment, he then sighed remembering what was wrong. He inhaled trying to calm down, and he unknowingly sniffed Sakura's cherry shampoo scent.

"It's...." He sighed again. Sakura hugged back tighter. "I'm here. You can tell me."

"It's my parents... I'm glad they came here... But they started telling me their expectations and what I should do after this. And stuff. They're not even asking me what I want. What I want to do." He sighed again.


"Yes...again. Over and over." He sighed deeply.

Sakura gave him a tight hug and moved back. She cupped his cheeks and smiled at him.

"It's okaay, Shaoran. We can talk to your parents after this. But right now, you have to give that photographer..." Sakura's eyes shifted to look at that same photographer and smiled at him, and he weakly smiled back. Shaoran looked over his shoulder and the photographer flinched.

"...a smile." continued Sakura, looking at his amber brown eyes.

"But... I don't feel like smiling right now..." His eyes looked down, letting Sakura see his long eyelashes.

Sakura looked at him worried, unsure how to make him smile.

Then, something click inside her. She widely smiled, looking at the brooding Shaoran.

"Shaoran..." whispered Sakura.

Amber brown eyes met her emerald orbs.

His beautiful brown eyes were still clouded with anger, sadness and self pity.

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