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A/N: Two stories this day? Deym em so productive! Must savor thiss. XD

I finished thiis one for like three-four-five hours. Phew. XD i was racing the time.

I already had the plot in my mind and I finally write it and finished.

Anyway, hope you'll enjoy this.


It was just another afternoon in Tomoyo's mansion. Tomoyo was persistent to invite Sakura, Shaoran and Eriol to her house, saying she was back from her trip in the Philippines. And wanted to give their souvenirs and while at it, she wants to see Sakura wearing her presents she made for her.

Kero chewed a very sweet Pastel, he got from Tomoyo. "How can you eat that so fast? Isn't that so sweet?" Shaoran curiously asked, since he was slowly eating the Pastel.

"It's really delicious, isn't it?" Eriol stated, while drinking tea. "Tomoyo said, it's quite popular in the Philippines. I can taste why." He added.

"I'm pretty sure Kai will love this. Too bad he's on a date with Meilin. I'm gonna save some for him. He should be thankful I'm giving him one." Kero said, happily devouring his sweets.

"Are they done yet?" Shaoran impatiently asked, glancing at the wardrobe room of Tomoyo.

"Why? You already miss her?" Eriol teased, chuckling.

Shaoran slightly blush, "So what? Anyway, I'm bored. Is there something to watch?"

"Oh, Tomoyo gave this to me." Kero handed him a tape, with no caption on it. "I think she forgot to put it on her cabinet, then she saw me then handed it to me. I think it's quite recent. Let's watch it." Kero added, crumbs on both his cheeks, then he push another piece of Pastel in his mouth.

Shaoran looked at him in disgust, while grabbing the tape. "Glutton." He muttered.

"Nghmbg sghngy!!" Kero angrily exclaimed, mouth full.

"Nothin'." He mumbled, walking towards Tomoyo's huge flat screen tv. Opening the dvd, then he inserted the tape, and clicked Play.

The tv blinked open, there they other than Sakura, in her gorgeous green dress. Behind her was the backstage of an ongoing modeling stage. She was being interviewed, while Tomoyo was doing her elegant looking hair.

Shaoran gawked at the tv, while Kero choked his sweets. Eriol, Tomoyo's apprentice, was hiding the videocam while recording their reactions, he silently chuckled.

"Sa-sakura?!" They both exclaimed their late reactions. "I-I don't remember her wearing this and attending the show!" Shaoran confusingly exclaimed, without even knowing he was blushing at the sight of Sakura's beautiful face.

"I don't remember this too!" Kero interjected, completely ignoring his snacks. Eriol was really enjoying their reactions.

" Sakura-san, is there someone special in your life?" an interviewer asked, Sakura blushed, not expecting a personal question.

"We-well, there's someone...I..I love.." She bashfully replied while admiring her heels.

"And who might it be? Is it your co-model? Or is it someone famous? Or is it the good-looking heir of Li Corporation?" The interviewer, slyly asked, you could picture him, raising his eyebrows up and down. And Shaoran was itching to shave those eyebrows, while he was intensely watching the interview.

"H-hooee!" Sakura's adorable catchphrase, Shaoran noted. "I-It's...uhmm..." Sakura stammered, but then, she was right on time saved, thanks to Tomoyo.

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