Where are you?

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"Shut up, Sakura!" Shaoran yelled.

"You don't have the right to say that to her! Know your place, Sakura!" Shaoran furiously added, fist clenched.

Sakura was speechless, staring at him, scared and guilty...

"Damn it! How stupid can you be Sakura?!" He yelled again.

"I get it!! I'm stupid! Moron! Or whatever you say! Just shut up! Shuut up!!" Sakura screamed, tears flowing down her eyes.

Slightly taken back, Shaoran stared at Sakura's tear-streaked face.

"Sakura... I..." Shaoran tried to talked, but was cut off as he saw Sakura running away from him.

"Sakura!" Shaoran yelled, running towards Sakura.

Sakura was crying hard, I know I was wrong...if only you know.... I did it for you, you baka Shaoran.

Sakura was so pre-occupied, she didn't hear Shaoran's voice and....

a car honking....

Damn it, how could I say that to her? Sakura always have good reasons on her rush actions... I don't understand why Sakura confronted the girl who bad mouth me and said unnecessary words.... And made a small ruckus and my guy friends teasing me about two girls fighting over me.

Surely, she's not...jealous right? I mean, there's nothing to be jealous of.

But his thoughts got cut off as he heard a loud crash...where Sakura ran.

Eyes widen, heart beating fast, he sprinted off.


Shaoran was greeted by crowd of people, police and ambulance. Pushing his way towards the crash, his heart almost stopped when he heard someone talking...

"Some dumb girl crossed the road and didn't see the car. It was green light. So it's the girl's fault." An unfamiliar man talked to his friends. The police was listening to him and asking few questions.

"SAKURAAA! Where are you?!!" He suddenly shouted, but it wasn't loud enough because of people murmuring and sirens and other loud noises.

Sakuraaa.... Pleaase, be alive. I'll never forgive myself if you die...after what I said to you...

Running into circles, his heart beat faster than before. He couldn't stay still... He was so worried.


End or to be continue? XD

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