The Price Of Missed Chance

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A/N: Heyaaa! It's been awhilee. School ended! Woohoo! But my motivation to write the second part of Valentines' Kiss is nowhere to be found. I'm sorryy! *^*

But, dun yah worry, I'll definitely finish that!

Buuut for now, enjoy this old CCS story I wrote on 2013. I edited and added some parts. It's just chapter one, I don't know if I should add this to my list of "To be written in longer chapters." It depends to you, my loving supporters! Should I or I should not? XD

Anywaay, enjoy reading ^0^/


It's been almost 10 years.
Sakura Kinomoto, quit modeling and was now an elementary teacher on Tomodea, where she attended on her elementary years.

Standing under the cherry blossom tree, where Shaoran bid farewell to her.

"When are you going to come back?"


It was their last conversation. And she can never forget it, no matter how hard she tries.

She shook her head.
She knew that.
She smiled sadly, their love was just infatuation.
No, her love was more than just an infatuation.
His...was just a... She doesn't know. She doesn't want to know. And she will never know.

Meaning, it was futile waiting for him.

He might have a wonderful wife, loving children, successful career.
Yeah, he might already have that.

She smiled sadly...again.
She inhaled a long breathe....

"I love you, Li Shaoran."

She exhaled.

Feeling a little better, she smiled, up.

And that would be her last attempt to wait for him.

She had waited for how many years.

Convincing herself for how many years that he'll come back.

Always daydreaming of the day, of how he would surprise her.

How he would kiss her tenderly...

How he would bend down on his knees and proposed.

How they will have children on their own and so on...

But that was pure fantasy.
She read too much romance books at her modeling break.
She fantasies him too much, she dreamed about him almost every single day.

But that would change.
She gave up.
She already gave up.
It's no use dreaming about him.

She smiled, yet again.
Admiring how the cherry blossom petals danced as the wind blows.
She leaned on the tree, closed her eyes, and inhaled the sweet fragrance above her.

Then, something strong,masculine and cool mixed the sweet fragrance.
It smelt...manly.
She almost hoped it was Shaoran.
But it was just her mere imagination.


Hearing the deep,gentle voice of her co-teacher, she opened her verdant green eyes.

"Daiki-sensei...?" She mumbled ever so soft.
She saw the man gulped and his cheek tinted red.

"Uhm... Kinomoto-sensei. Uhm..erm..." Daiki stuttered, blushing red all over.

Seeing the expecting look at Sakura's beautiful face, he sighed heavily.

"I love you, Sakura."

Daiki confessed, his eyes screaming sincerity.

Sakura's stunning green eyes wide-opened, her cheek turned love apple.

"Hoee.. What a straight forward confession." Sakura thought.

Sakura wasn't emotionally prepared.

She even heard a loud grasp from nowhere.

Sakura was about to open her soft, red mouth, when he cut her off...

"Please Sakura, don't reject me. I know, I'm not as handsome as Li Shaoran, nor am I as successful as him..."


"Sakura, you're way too beautiful to be alone. I know I'm not the only man who admire your kindness and compassion. But..." He suddenly held Sakura's soft and smooth hand.

But it was as if heaven strongly disagree of Daiki's skin contact with Sakura's soft hand...

When lighting started to strike and a growl was heard from the sky.

And a low, deep growl was heard on the trees.

"- I promise you, I will definitely not going to hurt you. I'll treasure every smile on your precious lips and I'll grieve every tear that fell on your beautiful bright green eyes. I'll treasure every minute I'm with you, Sakura.

Please...just don't reject me."

It seems Daiki was losing hope that he slowly lowered his hands with Sakura's hand until...

"Daiki-sensei, I'm not going to reject you." Sakura reassured him, looking at his jet black eyes.

He felt Sakura's soft squeezed on his hand and he looked up with a smile.

"Then, would you like to eat dinner with me?"

"I love you, Li Shaoran. But time has come; I've given up on you."

Looking at the jet black haired guy in front of her, she smiled at him.

"Yes, it'd be an honor."

As if Sakura has said the forbidden word, the sky roared and rain started to pour.

Lighting strike, thunder roared, and rain poured hard.

"Hoeee!" Sakura covered her head, as the rain fell on her as if punishing her.

"Sakura! Let's head back to the faculty." Daiki said, as he pulled Sakura to protect her from the rain. only rain hard.

Daiki draw her to him, much closer and tighter.

"He smelt nice... But not as masculine and cool as what I had smelled a while ago. I wonder who was that?" Sakura thought.

Just as Sakura and Daiki ran towards the building...

A chestnut haired man stepped out of his hiding.

Clearly wet to the skin despite his business suit.

His masculine and cool scent had fade as the rain drops flowed down his suit.

His amber brown eyes lifelessly stared at the two figures run for shelter.


To be continue or not to be continue? XD

I actually forgot the plot of this story. I saw that I wrote this on 2013, so yeah, that explains why I forgot the plot.

But if you guys want me to add this to my "To be written in longer chapters" you can suggest what's the plot. The unique one xD

Anywaay, thank you for reaading. Hope you vote and comment. ^0^/

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