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"Why do people break their promises?" Sakura asked Kero-chan.

Taken back, "Why would you ask that?" The stuffed animal replied.

"It just crossed my mind. Promises are so easy to say, but hard to keep, right?" Sakura replied, ruefully, eyes screaming of sorrow.

Patting his small paws on Sakura's head, he said "There, there. Don't cry."

"I'm not crying." Sakura pouted.

"What sweets do you want to eat Kero-chan?" She suddenly asked, as she went to the door. "I'm craving for sweets." She added, cheerfully.

"Kero-chan?" She turned back when she didn't heard Kero's usual saying. There she saw him arms crossed against his chest, looking so serious.

"Earth to Kero-chan." She poked the stuffed animal like in front of her.

"Wait, I'm thinking what sweets I want." Kero lied, he was in fact, thinking of the right answer of Sakura's question. Humans are so....humans. Complicated beings.

"I want ice cream. I'm stressed." Kero said.

Laughing, Sakura just replied "It's so unusual of you to be stressed Kero-chan."

"I know."

Laughing even more "But you looked so cool, so let's eat 2 ice creams." Sakura squealed, running downstairs.


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