Double Dare

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Author's Note: Do you like truth and dare? If yes, MEH TOO! XD

Anyway, enjooy ~


"Hoooee! No way I'm going to do that. No way. Noooooo way!" A honey browned haired girl yelled as she shook her head furiously.

"Come on, you pick dare. Now do it." A glasses, short dark brown hair girl with a mischievous sly smile painted on her lips.

"Yeah, do it Sakura-chan. Or else, we'll give you another dare." A pigtailed braided girl with lopsided grin said.

"You just have to shake hand that guy." Another teenager girl, short, dark and curly hair said as she pointed the guy, leaning on the wall, he looks like waiting for someone.

"But that guy is way too handsome for me to ask for a hand shake and I don't want to disturb him." The stubborn girl said, as she looked down.

"It's a dare, silly." The glasses girl said.

"Yeah. Just do it. It's not like we dare you to kiss him." The braided girl said, as she laughed.

Chuckling, "Yeah, Sakura-chan. Just tell him it's a dare." The braided haired girl said as she started pushing her away.

"Tomoyo-chaaan~" Sakura looked at her bestfriend who was silent and currently videotaping.

"You'll be alright, Sakura-chan. If ever something wrong happen, we'll be there." The long haired girl replied, smiling, still videotaping.

Sighing "Alright." She frowned nervously and dragged her legs towards "the guy".

The guy that looks like an masterpiece from an art museum. Dark messy hair, eyelashes full and long, slightly built, long legs, manly jaw, high ridged nose, lips full and red.

"Hooeee. This is insane. What if he ignore me? It'll be so embarrassing! Uwaaa... I should have pick truth... Uwaaa... But I'm bad at lying." She sighed.

Sakura gulped when she finally noticed the guy was looking at her. His eyes was amber brown , mysterious yet calm.

Sakura's vision was swirling, she was nervous like heck.

I should run awaay! Hooe! Buuut....

She sighed. She pursed her lips and walked towards him. Face red, heart beating like mad. It's now or never.

She could hear her "friends" giggling and laughing.

"Oohh, she's doing it!" "Almost there, go Sakura-chaaan!"
"Hahaha, go!"

It made her turned even red, covering her mouth. "Hooeeee! This is so embarrassing." She mumbled, covering her fully red face.

She saw a pair of black rubber shoes, in front of her. And she froze. "What the heck? What should do? What should I do? Hoeeee!" She repeatedly said in her mind.

"Y-yeah?" The guy asked, in a surprised voice.

Hoeeee, h-he sound nervous.

Am I creeping him out? Hooeee! So embarrassing! But...if he's really nervous...

Then that would ease my 101% nervousness. 100% to go... Sakura jokingly said to herself, still dying with nervousness.

Swallowing hard, her head low, with shaking hands, she lifted her hand towards him.

"Ha-hand shake? Uhm, it's a just da-dare..." She stammered.

Hoooooooeeee! This is soo embarrassing, so embarrassing. She chanted on her mind.

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