Sakura Kiss

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A/N: *plays "Kiss Kiss Fall In Love" Ouran High School Host Club opening song XDD

It's been awhile. I know i know. XD been busy with stuff and also the writer's block is reaaal. XD

But finnally, heeree it isss~!

Hope you'll enjoy reading~


"There's a magic charm that says if you catch a falling cherry blossom petal, and keep it with you, the person you like will like you back."

Yamazaki happily said, as his classmates looked at him with interest and  suspicion.

"Reallly? Is that true?" Sakura and Shaoran asked in union.

"Yes." Yamazaki proudly respond.

"Don't lie again." Chiharu butted in, ready to strangle him.

"I'm not lying! Right, Eriol-kun?"

"Indeed. It was also said that those magic charm was one of the advices of witches before. And it's indeed effective." Eriol explained.

Whenever Eriol join Yamazaki, no one can tell anymore if it's a lie or indeed true. Tomoyo noted, interested on Sakura's reaction.

It became a class activity, when all of a sudden, everyone hurried to go outside.

"I'm going too!" Sakura excitedly ran.

Shaoran joined quietly, but instead on running towards the door, he jumped down the window. Of course, he landed successfully.

Tomoyo smiled, as she video record everyone's retreating figure. Tomoyo and Eriol stayed behind, enjoying the silence.

Tomoyo walked towards the window, and zoom in to find Sakura's adorable face. Their school was surrounded by a lot of Sakura trees blooming right now and she loved how everyone were jumping up and down, chasing the tiny sakura petals. She saw Naoko jumping, Chiharu was busy strangling Yamazaki who Tomoyo predicted said a blatant lie again.

Zooming and slowly moving around her video camera, looking for Sakura and Shaoran. There she saw Shaoran skillfully catching every petal on his way. Tomoyo giggled as Shaoran's unusual interest on the magic charm.

"I caught a lot of petals." Shaoran mumbled. Suddenly, he turned bright red, realizing how childish he was believing on magic charm stuff. Even he's a magician himself.

"After catching a bunch of petals, I can't just throw it away anyway." Shaoran thought. He bashfully placed the petals on his handkerchief and hid it on his pocket.

Sakura, on the other hand, was smiling as she enjoyed Sakura petals falling on her. A soft caress on her check, a soft touch on her closed eyes, it was truly beautiful.

And, Shaoran indeed agree.

Watching how stunningly beautiful Sakura is, standing in front of her namesake. Shaoran knew Sakura forgot to catch petals as she saw sakura trees blooming beautifully this year. Together with a lot of soft breeze, petals gracefully danced as one petal landed on Sakura's nose.

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