Interview #15 : @binibining_kassy

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Interviewer: Evergreen_Ebony
Author: binibining_kassy
Today we are having an interview with binibining_kassy about her story Vampire's Diary

Sit back, relax and enjoy it.

Question 1: Did you plan this story from beginning to the end or did you change it as you were writing it?

A: I planned it but some things changed along the way, but it made the story better for me.

Question 2: Are your characters based on you or people in your life?

A: Some of the characters are based on people close to me in real life. The main protagonist is based on me but I don't really no my attitude, so I just go with the flow

Question 3: How do you overcome writer's block?

A: It is hard to overcome, but I read something in socmed, that we should not push ourselves and writing should come naturally.

Question 4: In what areas do you think you need to improve as a writer?

A: I think in the area of character development. I am still confused about it, but I'm trying my best.

Question 5: How have you been able to combine writing and other day to day activities?

A: I only write when I feel like, so I made sure that writing is a stress reliever and not another source of stress.

Thank you for your time dear author. Best wishes for all your work.

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