INTERVIEW#22 @Urvashi123098

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Author: Urvashi123098

Interviewer: IMAGINATED3434

Can we just start saying that it was amazing to have you! And It was a pleasure for Golden Writers to have you!

1)Tell us about Olivia and John

Soo...Before I start to give my Answers; I thank you and the Golden Writer Community for giving me an opportunity to talk about my book Tough Times Are Ahead.

Myself, Upasana Sarma the author of my Ongoing Book- Tough Times Are Ahead is now ready for giving you the Answers ^_^

As your First Question is to want to know more about Olivia and John; I would say that I feel shy while talking about them !

Hahaha, I made one great joke.... Right! So, actually if I tell them about them then I need to tell the difference between them at first...!

•Olivia: is the girl taking so many mysteries around her. She didn't want to talk much and especially she was a dark girl. I mean she wasn't black she's white only, i.e, Her body colour but her life has a past, she was dark inside her. Olivia was 27 at that time. She's a stressed and a straight forward girl. She was the main protagonist of this serie, playing as a detective ; also She wanted to avoid company from her near one or anyone who wanted to give company to her but her tough times are soon near to her where she needs to reveal all her mysteries she kept in throughout her lifetime.

John: the SP in Alaska where he played the second main protagonist in this series. He was the boy carrying love and Support who has a beautiful charming look to impress everyone's heart, mainly girls. Btw he doesn't care anyone but one girl who has nothing but mysteries around her, had taken his heart away from her expression, the first eye meeting of them in an Accident. (lol, I don't know how to write the Romance section in a Mystery-Thriller genre but trying... 'caz try, try & try again) He also loves to argue but one argument has changed his life that he will be feeling like, he's living in hell.

2) Tell us more about the story

•Second Question: I know I'm updating the chapters lately but what can I do... The classes are ongoing and also the homework but i'm trying....

It's a story about a girl where she needs to cross so many dark times lonely, Where she needs to change her whole profile into another girl. This story mainly consists of Mysteries and... actions in the crime scenes and all. Romance scenes are there for enjoying (shy me :-P ) and afterall sad themes are only there, happy scenes are also there but not so much.... 'caz The name only identifies the Storyline, i.e, Tough Times Are Ahead.

3) How did you get the idea to write this story

•Third: I don't know..! Yes, you hear it Right.... I mean, I don't know how this story came into my mind. I just sometimes in the off period, I lay down quietly in my Bed and keep thinking about a story and slowly-slowly, it came to my mind and yes..; I began to write this on Wattpad and the Journey starts :)

4) Who inspired you to start writing stories

•Fourth: No one, yes, no one... I start writing stories of my own will. I don't know how my readers liked it but I tried to write better and... And that's it !

5) Why choose Wattpad to write?

•Fifth: I don't know!!! Firstly I came to know about this app through a fanclub of Yudhisthir in Instagram. They told that this book is amazing.. I felt that, I need to read this and after reading it I came across that to read further install the app and read than I installed and began to read but hadn't write anything when I was first in this app.

6)  Who/What inspired you to write?

Sixth: William Shakespeare is my inspiration to write.

7) Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

•Seventh: In the next 10 years, I first wanted to do my Graduation and take one job and also,  I want myself as a best selling author and wanted to make movies or Webseries on my best Book.

8) Why should readers read your book?

•Eighth: Because, I think that it'll give them an idea of the powers hiding in a girl, caz today also in this world many of the People think that, Girls are not strengthened nor can do something if a boy or man forces her for something they love. Rapism is the most common fear of a girl and if the girl was also not able to fight against and they (the evils)had done the bad thing then many of the girls do suicide for shame and you people know only... Right. So this story indicates mainly to the girls that they didn't need to do the suicide else they can change their profile into some other and can live their life, regenerating.

9) How did you figure out what name the book should be?

•Ninth: Yes, It was tough for choosing a name. I thought of so many different names and you know after choosing one I searched into Wattpad and when I got so many names, I used to throw them from my mind. But one day I was searching on Google for a quote and in the line only there was written The Tough Times. I looked widely and I got my name; i.e, Tough Times Are Ahead. And also I searched it on Wattpad but saw nothing about the name. No one had given that name and I jumped, shouting Yaaayyy...!!!

10) Tell us a bit about what your character 'Olivia' goes through in the book

•Tenth: Olivia, I told about her in the first paragraph but then also I want to say that She'll be married to John at last but then also Tough Times will never end from her.

11) Say something for the beginners who have just started writing

•Eleventh: I'm also a beginner, am only 13th now.. so, I don't know what to tell them but I just want to tell only one thing that, there maybe so many of Up and Down, criticism, harassment you can also came across, but don't forget that there are also many other authors who also faced this and also me. Yes I'm also facing this but (in my opinion) we shouldn't leave our hope and efforts, our talent, our dreams and goals etc. We just need to ignore all this stuff and keep our mind fresh with positive vibes and that's it. Here I'm also a beginner so maybe I'm also wrong giving my answer correctly... So, I wished that, if there's anything wrong then please make me correct.

12) lastly , do you have anything to say to the readers?

•Twelfth: Lastly, I just wanted to tell that who've read this till now. I'm very thankful to him/her. I also thank you and your team; i.e, Golden Writer Community for hearing my answers till now. And also please support me as well 'caz your inspiration is only my strength for writing further on.

Thank You.

Thank you so much Urvashi123098 for choosing us to do your interview with!

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