Interview#17: @disneylover100

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Author: disneylover100

Interviewer: IMAGINATED3434

Let's begin,

1) Tell us about your story

The Magic Combat of Love is about Ian and Barley and how they start Tooniversity, which is an all education school for cartoon characters or called toons. Barley falls head over heels for Elsa and gets to know her throughout the story. But when Leo, a ninja turtle that is jealous that Barley is Elsa's boyfriend, Leo strikes a deal with Hades and Hades gang of Disney Villains to win Elsa's heart. Barley must fight a possessed Leo and save Elsa from the Disney Villains gang in order to save them from evil.

2) Tell us about the plots

Basically, Barley and Elsa get to know each other throughout the story. But Leo is being tutored by Elsa and Leo also has a crush on her. So Leo strikes a deal with evil to win over Elsa and tries to kill Barley. Hades and his gang possesses Leo and Barley tries to save Elsa and Leo from the gang of villains. But Hades also wants Elsa's powers so when Leo is freed from possession, Barley and Leo must work together to save Elsa from the gangs curse.

3) Describe all the characters

Most of the characters have the same personalities throughout the movies and shows but I put them in a school setting to get to know each other and make friends with others that are not in their realms or worlds.

4)What gave you the idea to write this?

I am a HUGE fan of creating couples with characters and other stuff (check out my YouTube channel: Vidkid95, it'll explain everything) so one of my top favorite cute couples or crossover couples are Barley and Elsa. So I decided to make a Tooniversity story starring them and other characters. I have written other Tooniversity stories before this huge one so if you want to read them, go check them out!5) Who/what inspired you to start writing?

Writing has always been a passion of mine since I was younger and I always have felt that writing would be a great hobby for me. My mom used to write when she was younger so that inspired me!

6)Tell us which characters are from which show/movie (ex-Elsa from Frozen)

Barley and Ian(Disney Pixar's Onward)

Elsa and Anna (Disney's Frozen)

Leo and his ninja brothers(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 TV show)

Hades (Disney Hercules)

Dr. Facilier (Disney Princess and the Frog)

Chernabog (Disney Fantasia)

Captain Hook( Disney Peter Pan)

Jafar (Disney Aladdin cartoon version)

There are some cameos and supporting characters but I just thought I would do the main ones.

7) When did you start writing on wattpad?

Oh god where do I begin? I started writing on Wattpad I believe in 2011 or 2012 and I believe my first story to write on there was my first Tooniversity story called The Pig and the Pony.

8) Where do you see yourself after 10 years?

In ten years I would like to see myself become a best selling author or a YouTube sensation. Other than that I would probably write more stories and make more of my own movies/videos online.

9) lastly, is there anything you'd like to say to the readers?

Always be positive and kind to the readers because you never know what they are going through. Whatever they write is their opinion and their choice so don't be mean but be supportive! I would also like to say thank you to everyone who has read my stories. I have been going through stuff but I always have a good story to write to keep me company!

It was lovely having you disneylover100

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