Interview #4: @Appledip_14

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Author: Appledip_14

Interviewer: Lil-Bird

Q. Out of all those three books that you’ve published, which book do you love the most and why? 
        A. Ahhh that's a really hard question. I'd say all as a writer because I am putting all my effort in all three of them. But just to answer your question I'd say my quotes book, From Quotes To The Feels. It's not just because it's my first book I ever posted on Wattpad but also because I was actually able to connect to all my readers the most via that book. So yeah.

I agree with that. Every writer loves their book so it’s hard to choose between the three.

Q. What made you start writing poems and quotes?

      A. There isn't a particular reason to be honest. I know many people write poems, quotes, diaries to express their 'bottled-up emotions' and all. But that never really worked for me because in the *for me at least* In the end I'm still in a way keeping things to myself. So believe it or not I just started writing just to write. I even started posting just for the sake of it. I never thought so many people would read it and like it. But they did and it's a nice feeling.
Hope I made some sense there...!

Yup. It did :)

Q. Out of all the quotes you’ve written, which one is your favorite and which one do you think has reached you? 

     A. Okay so there are 2 quotes. One is Quote 35 of my book, From Quotes To The Feels. I've named it Experiences. I feel like it's important to look at our past  mistakes, decisions, as an experience rather than carry around the guilt and not be able to move forward. It helps us to be mentally strong and prepared for the future. What happened happened, we can't do much about that but move forward and I know it sounds cliché but be a better version of ourselves.
And then there is another one which I haven't posted yet, it'll be Quote 64 of my book, Darkness Within Me. The quote and it's Author's Note will say it all. So yeah, now I have given you something to look forward to...haha!

For the people who read her Quotes To The Feels book, here is the sneak peek ;)

Q. What kind of a person are you? 
      A. Well that's a pretty broad question.  I can't really think of much. It's weird trying to describe myself but in the end I am the one who knows 'myself' the best. Practical, open minded, random (lol) is probably the best way to describe myself I think.

Q. Did your poems and quotes come naturally or did you have to wait for how many hours just to think of one? 

  A. Well all of my quotes come up naturally to me, just strike my head, sometimes while I'm just sitting or trying to sleep maybe or even when I'm having some heart to heart conversations with my friends. But yeah I do have to take a step back and reframe it so that the quote makes more sense to not just me but others too. Poetry on the other hand though does take some time. I'm no expert. I admire people who can write poems and everything based on a topic right off the bat. I can't do that with poetry. It's a very beautiful thing. And because it doesn't come to me naturally I try to give it as much time as I can and do my poems some justice. I'm still learning though :)

You can do it!

Q. What do you hate the most in the society that we live in? 

       A. Ahh okay broad question number 2. Here we go!
So yeah there are so many goddamn things but 2 which immediately popped up in my head are, judgmental people and those who go around giving advices to the world and never ever imply a single one on themselves. It gets to me always.



I do not like that. I'm pretty sure no writer does. I feel so ghosted every time. I don't even know if anyone is re-reading because no one mentions #rr in the comments (which I would really appreciate if people do). And so every time the 'number of reads' increases, I'm always like who is this person? It creeps me out a little bit if I'm being honest. Even if you don't want to vote, that's completely fine with me but maybe comment with an emoji or a single text...haha I don't know. But that's how I feel.

Still I would also add that I'm grateful and thankful to all those in the Wattpad community who take some of their time and go through my stuff and hopefully like it too :))

Thank you to you and everyone else who have been consistent and supportive from the very beginning. I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart and seeing that it's the last question, thank you so much for interviewing me and giving me this amazing opportunity. 

That was a huge reply. People will probably get bored. Haha

Thank you so much for agreeing to an interview! If they really are your readers, then it doesn’t matter how long your answers are, because they would be excited to get to know you better.

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