Interview#10 : @Socasm

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Today, we interview Socasm about her book. Let's see what the author has to say!

Interviewee: Socasm

Interviewer: Lil-Bird

Q: What is your favorite scene in the Phantom of the Opera?

A: Oh, that's a hard one. I'd say I Remember/ Stranger than you Dreamt It.

Omg! Great choice!

Q: If you were given a chance to be a cast in your favorite movie/ series, which character will you choose?

A: I would choose Klaus Mikaelson from The Originals. The story itself is very complex, and Klaus himself is a dynamic character.

Ohhh, a vampire stories.

I do love supernatural stories.

I agree with that. It just made us drawn to it because of the supernatural stuff there.

Q: What would you like to say to the people who are reading your interview?

A: I need a moustache to stroke for this question. No matter what situation you're in, writing level, or going through. Keep going and trying even if the steps are small. At your own time with lots of patience and work- you'll get there.


Q: Your book was set it the 1840s. Are you interested in historical artifacts or the past history itself?

A: History is a passion of mine. I grew up listening to family stories, or watching medieval fantasy. Over the years I read or watched about the past, and now want to share what I've learned. History repeats a lot.

That's so cool! Actually, yeah. History does repeat a lot. *chuckle*

Q: What are you passionate about besides history?

A: There's quite a bit: I love movies and shows, read a lot of thriller/suspense books, and attempting to be artistic. Oh, and British comedy.

And that reminds me of London ❤

Q: When did you start writing?

A: I started in elementary school. I'd buy a pen and notebook from a vending machine and write two chapters. From there I read and wrote a lot. When I couldn't for a few years it felt like a part of me was missing.

*eyes widen* people can buy pen and notebook from a vending machine?

Back in the day. The pens broke after two uses.

Q: I saw in your bio that you're a mom! How does it feel like to be one? Do you have any advices to the soon to be mothers out there?

A: I have two little ones. To be a mom is an amazing, but hard experience. They are amazing to see grow up but also frustrating. It takes lots of creativity, patience, and schedules are a life saver.

That's a great advice!

That concludes our interview! I wish you all the best in your book, and also taking care of the little ones.

Thank you! Thanks for your time.

Thank you for your time as well. I hope you have enjoyed the interview :)

It was very exciting.

Have a nice day! 

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