Interview#27 :@RiyaMaji

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Author: RiyaMaji

Interviewer: aderonkeakinlade

Interviewer: Good day, I am aderonkeakinlade from The Golden Writer Community, and I have been assigned to conduct your interview. Please, can you state the name you would like to be called in the course of this interview?

RiyaMaji : Hey everyone, my good name is Riya. I am so contented to have an interview over here 😊

Interviewer: First and foremost, I would like to say congratulations on winning the award of the Golden Writer's General Fiction categories. Tell me how do you feel about that?

RiyaMaji : Thanks a lot. Frankly speaking, it is an awesome feeling when our book gets awarded. Especially my book 'Precious thoughts & quotes' is very close to my heart. I was very happy.

Interviewer: Truly, your book, did worth the award.

Q: Okay, Riya. Your readers are quite inquisitive about you. Can you please tell us a little bit about yourself?

A: Sure. As I said before, my name is Riya but my friends gave me many cute nicknames such as Riu, Ri, oreo, etc. I am ambivert by nature & sometimes emotional person too. I love to read & write stories. Apart from these, I love to make new friends. I was born on 13th April.

Interviewer: Hmm...Nice one.

RiyaMaji : 😊

Interviewer: I have read your book, 'Precious thoughts and quotes' and I must first commend you for a job well done. Like literally, I was blown out of my mind. So keep it up, girl.

RiyaMaji: It means a lot 😊

Q: You wrote, inspiration comes from within yourself one as to be positive, when you are positive, good things happens. Can you tell us what inspired you to write the book?

A: Actually, I love to read thoughts & quotes. Suddenly I thought to write one book on it. I am inspired by positivity. It helps me to stay happy & brings a smile on my face. I believe we should always be happy & satisfied with ourselves.

Interviewer: Hmm...Always be happy and satisfied with ourselves.

RiyaMaji : Yes.

Interviewer: Moving on Riya. Let's talk about the mood of the book.

Q: Did you ever, while writing, have a particular mood for the book? And did you maintain the mood throughout while writing the book?

A: Yes of course. Not only for this particular book but also for my other books too. My moods describe the words used in the books. Energetic moods mainly motivate the readers to read more.

Interviewer: Very true. If you are happy, then happiness would be spread towards whatever you do.

I did like to check out your other books also. So be expecting a new reader soon.

Let's speak on experience. You wrote life is a series of experiences...

Q: My question is, was there an experience behind your writing?

A: Nope, it was a sudden decision. One fine evening suddenly my heart whispered let's start one story, and on 7th May, I wrote my first story 'Made for each other'. I was happy with the response & hence I tried my luck in writing other books too.

Interviewer: Ohhh....Lovely.

Riya, we have reviewers who are ready to criticize, praise, and even recommend your book.

Q: My question is, how prepared are you for reviews that would be aimed at your book? Most especially, the ones that might come harshly?

A: I really don't know, because I never tried my book for review. I have no experience with it.

Interviewer: Ohhh okay. I just wanted to know if you are mentally prepared for that. Anyways, when the time comes, you would find out.

RiyaMaji : Maybe yes. I will let you know.

Q: Do you feel that you've achieved enough, you know all the award and all. Do you feel you've achieved enough on your book, or are you planning to soar higher?

A: This is only the lower steps. I want to reach a high sky.

Interviewer: Very good Riya. I do much love your spirit ❤️

Q: What advice or should I say motivational words would you like to leave your readers out there with?

A: Our life is like an icecream, enjoy it before it melts. Just keep smiling & surround yourself with positive people, then you will love your life.

Interviewer: Perfect!! Like I always say "Always keep the smiles"

RiyaMaji: Thank you so much for taking the interview! I had a gala time with you.

Interviewer: Okay Riya. We have come to the end of your interview. We, the host, co-host, and all members of the Golden Writer Community are truly grateful to have you here. We would like to say a big thank you for making out time to attend the interview.

Please remember to check out our other awards and don't forget that you should always smile cause it makes the day grow brighter.

We hope when next week seeks an interview with you, you would respond to us. Thank you!

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