Interview #42 @ShwetaKumari426

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Author: ShwetaKumari426
Interviewer: _bailies
Book: Let's Plan My Murder

Q: Where did you get the idea for 'Let's Plan My Murder'?
A: Well, the name just came to me like I wanted to do something different and planning my own murder was something different; story is inspired from my real life experience.

Q: What sort of problems did you face in planning and writing the story?
A: I didn't really face any issues, but yes, I did face problems in vocabulary but I worked on it and today my vocabulary is much better than before.

Q: What, according to you, is the hardest part in writing a chapter? Does deciding how to begin and how to end a chapter confuse you?
A: Not really, I'm pretty clear on what I want in a chapter but yes sometimes I'm not satisfied with what I write and getting to that satisfactory level is difficult.

Q: Did you start with the same concept and ended with that, or changed it along the way?
A: Well, I started with what I wanted to but I did change a lot of things in the middle and I changed the end completely.

Q: Since the version on Wattpad seems to be a sample of the complete book on Amazon, what sort of twists and turns you can assure the readers of, without spoiling the story?
A: The story is full of twists and turns as the readers will always be on the edge on what's going to happen.

Q: Are any of the characters based on real life people you know?
A: Yes, Ava and Aiden and based on real life characters and other characters are mostly inspired but the character that is completely fictional is Noah.

Q: Ava and Noah have a constant batter which interests the reader. Where do you get the ideas for the humorous aspects of the story?
A: Just comes to me I guess. I have never taken inspiration from anything when it comes to their scenes.

Q: Lastly but definitely not the least, what advice would you like to give to new writers?
A: Just write what you want to and write for yourself, not for the audience.

~Thanks for reading~

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