Interview#11 @Fangirl3738

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Today, we interview Fangirl3738 about her book, James and Vesper. Let's see what the author has to say!


Interviewer: IMAGINATED3434

Let us begin with the Author of "James and Vesper"

Q.Tell us more about your book "James & Vesper"

A.The ending to the James Bond movie Casino Royale was sad. I started to write my book after I saw the film. James Bond is known for being a womanizer and promiscuous. He rarely ever falls in love. The few times he has fallen in love, the woman he loves either ends up dead or betrays him. Or both, in Vesper's case. However, his promiscuous ways are a result of the fact that he's a spy. In popular culture, spies are expected to remain aloof and emotionally detached.

I wanted to change the ending to Casino Royale. I wanted Bond to have a permanent happy ending with his significant other for once.

Q.Next question, Why would you suggest readers read this book?

A.Well, there are a lot of James Bond fans out there and quite a few of them love Vesper Lynd. They love Bond and Vesper's relationship. I know there are a lot of people who feel the same way I do about Vesper's death at the end of the film. A lot of them feel that she shouldn't have given into despair and killed herself. Many fans know that James loved her so much and because of that, he would have eventually forgiven her. Many feel that there was a way for both of them to get out of the situation they were in alive.So if you wanted to see Vesper live and have her happy ending with James, that's why people should read it.

Interviewer: Awesome

Q. So many of us haven't seen James Bond, so how would you explain your story to them, so that they get interested in reading your book?

A.Well, you need to see Casino Royale to understand why they were in that bad situation in the first place. But I would just say it's a spy fiction thriller book. I would explain it this way: a spy has fallen in love with a woman, but she betrayed him because she was forced to and tries to kill herself, but the spy saves her. There are and some trust issues that they have to work through while he goes after the bad guys who are after them. And they also have to work towards obtaining a pardon for her from their government because when she betrayed him, she committed treason.

Interviewer: Wow.

Q.Tell us more about Vesper

A.Vesper is a wonderful character. She's hands down my favorite Bond girl. She is played by French actress Eva Green in the movie Casino Royale. So since I was basing my book on the film, I tried my best to stay true to Green's wonderful portrayal of Vesper Lynd. Vesper works for the British Royal Treasury. She's Bond's equal. She's witty, feisty, enigmatic, and smart. She had a boyfriend before she fell in love with James. The bad guys captured her boyfriend and threatened to kill him unless she co-operated, which is why she betrayed Bond. But she also betrayed Bond to save his life. However, her ex was also a liar. He was what's called a honeytrap in espionage terms. A honeytrap in the world of espionage is someone who seduces other men or women into a romantic relationship, gains the victim's trust, and gets them to disclose sensitive information and do whatever the honey trap's organization wants them to do.

When I was picking Vesper's wedding gown, I took her style in account. Keeping her style in mind when picking her wedding gown was tricky because the most memorable outfits she wears in the film are two flattering yet very revealing evening gowns. The evening gowns made her seem like someone she was not: a flirtatious, sexy attention-grabbing woman.

Interviewer: She sure seems like an amazing character.

Q.What made you start writing on wattpad?

A.I originally was going to publish my first story, Princess of Disneyland, through Shutterfly. I was introduced to Wattpad by a friend and I realized that I could publish Princess of Disneyland here on Wattpad. I was impatient with the process to publish my first story via Shutterfly. Wattpad is faster so I published Princess of Disneyland here on Wattpad.

Interviewer: Nice!

Q.Who/what inspired you to write "James & Vesper" ?

A.Watching the film Casino Royale and a desire for a happier and more hopeful ending is what inspired me to write "James & Vesper." By then, I had developed a love and the skills to write alternate endings

Q.You have 66 published stories. How do you make time for 66 stories?

A.quite a few of my stories are on hold so I can work on one or two of them at a time. It takes me a couple weeks to finish a whole chapter. I work on a story chapter once a week. I also have had a lot more time to write due to the COVID19 pandemic. I don't spend all my time writing, though. Some of my books, like Proud To Be Catholic, The Pits & Peaks of Writing, and My Fangirl Journal, I update periodically because weeks can go by before I get a new topic idea for a new chapter. Also, quite a few of my books are finished.

Interviewer: That is just amazing.

Q.Lastly what would you like to tell our fellow readers?

A.Remember to be kind, courteous, and patient readers. Authors don't like entitled readers. Remember that you have something to read because the authors decided but to write something. They don't owe you anything.

Fortunately, I don't have entitled readers, but I still thought I'd remind my fellow readers to be considerate to authors.

Interviewer: It was lovely having you! Go and read "James and Vesper" Now!

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