Interview#31: @BelRusso

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Author: BelRusso

Interviewer: Lil-Bird

Q: Who or what inspired you to write your book "Reality"?

A: I was inspired by life, people, and my own life in general. As humans, we all go through hard times of life where we grow and learn, but this is never shown in books, so I decided to show it myself.

Interviewer: That's great!

Q: Do you believe in love, or is it something that the world created just to play with your feelings?

A: I personally do believe in love, honestly I am a hopeless romantic. But at some point in my life, I did believe that love wasn't good and that it would end up hurting me, which ended up happening. I think that I had come to terms with the fact that love can be good, bad, and everything in between, which is exactly something I wanted to portray through the main character in my book. How she goes from bad friendships, relationships, and then good ones while finding a balance between the good and the bad in love.

Interviewer: Wow. I'm sorry to hear about that. Honestly, love can be a scary thing...

BelRusso: Yeah, took me a long time to find my own balance.

Interviewer: But you did find it in the end right? :)

BelRusso: Of course, it was all about being good with every single part of me. Definitely a long battle, but not a lost one.

Interviewer: That's great to hear you have won the battle!

Q: Have you ever had that moment when you keep rambling and rambling until you lose your awareness of your surroundings?

A: Not really, I'm not a very talkative person, to say the least, so, I've never gone on rambling about stuff. I do know some people that could ramble for days though.

Interviewer: XD

Q: If you were in a situation, where you saw someone like Crystal in the hallway, surrounded by girls, would you jump in and save her? Or be a bystander?

A: I would definitely jump in and help her. I have actually done so in the past when I was in middle school. There was this girl that was bullied because she liked anime and I started being friends with her giving her support. I knew what it was like to be different and unique while everyone else was normal, so, helping someone from bullying is like helping one of my kind

Interviewer: She must be a lucky girl to have someone save her. I don't understand why she's getting bullied because of anime 😤

BelRusso: I didn't understand either, but eventually I switched schools and she moved to another country, so we lost contact.

Interviewer: I hope you guys meet each other again 😊

Q: Does the book you've written play a part in your life? How so?

A: I mean Crystal isn't a random character that I made up. In reality, she is me. Everything told in the story is my life and what I've had to go through. Well, only part of what I had to go through since I didn't tell any stories before the age of twelve. She and every character are actual people in my life, which writing it made me grow immensely.

I wanted people to feel inspired to change their lives or know that it's going to be fine, so, I told it through Crystal who happens to be me.

Of course, Crystal is a little different from me as the story is a work between fiction and reality (mostly reality) but there is definitely most of me in her.

Even though the story is in fact my life and how I dealt with it, Crystal taught me more of the things I had yet to learn about life, so Crystal and every character in every story I write has made me grow more and more in some way.

It's a book that made me reflect and move on.

Interviewer: Omg... that's amazing. Honestly, I think it was in Chapter 2 that almost made me in tears. How you describe her feelings and thoughts are really hitting me hard. It's also great to put your own experience into your character, whether it's a fictional story or not. It can definitely touch people's hearts.

BelRusso: That is exactly what I was looking for. Maybe someone will be saved from darkness by reading it.

Interviewer: Exactly. It also helps to see the point of view of the person who's going through a lot, like Crystal.

Q: Out of all the desserts in the world, which do you love the most? You can only pick one hehehe.

A: Blueberry Cheesecake. It has always been a favorite of mine since day one.

Interviewer: Ooooo. That's delicious 🤤

Q: If you were to submit a form for a review on your book, are you prepared to handle a harsh review?

A: Definitely, I have already submitted it for review and I am looking forward to it and seeing what I can improve.

Interviewer: That's great!

Q: What message would you like to give to the readers and writers out there?

A: Don't give up, in life or as a writer. As whatever you want to be or do, just don't give up because there's so much more to life and passions than we see. To the readers, I say that I know sometimes life is hard because it really is and maybe my work or someone else's work is an escape to our world (the world each writer creates) and maybe even learn. Reading someone's work is a journey in itself and of course, it is always a pleasure to be the one providing the escape from the real world. To the writer's I say that writing is an art of the heart and the mind, as long as those two are at peace with each other, then your writing will transport you to another world (your world) where even the unimaginable is possible. Writing is a talent that not everyone has because it takes patience, creativity, and few loose screws to come up with some crazy plot haha.

If you're a writer or aspiring to be one then just take your time because not every story comes to mind within ten seconds of thinking, if you write don't think just let the words on the screen take you somewhere you've never been before that eventually readers will come to learn and enjoy it.

BelRusso: Btw the longer message goes first and sorry it's so long, I'm just a very emotional person

Interviewer: It's alright! The longer the message, the better ❤️ It really is.... reading the books provides an escape in life, even if it is just for a while. It really helps keep yourself in place. If not, I doubt anyone will be able to hold it in any longer. That's really a heartfelt message. ❤️

BelRusso: Exactly! Well, I loved this interview, and thank you for taking the time to interview me. It means a lot❤️

Interviewer: Thank you for having me. It's really nice to get to know you. I hope you'll have a wonderful day and life. Stay strong! 💪❤️

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