Interview#40: @AOFunke

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Author: AOFunke

Interviewer: Lil-Bird

Q: Drunk people staring into each other, which we can see in some dramas and movies. I want to ask, what runs through your head when you see a scene like that?

A: I think, "Wow, these people are going to share a kiss here."

LMAO:) I feel that's when the air between them is tense, and something will happen. So I automatically ship!

Lil-Bird: Oh my god. That is true XDD Something is bound to happen if the atmosphere has become tense.

Q: What kind of person do you want to portray Parker, or should I say Garth, and Camsy?

A: I wanted him to be different with her. That's why I gave him a different name, just for Camsy.

Garth is the CEO of wellington and co who's smart enough to run his company to greatness.

Parker is the guy who got broken by his fiancee and who's tired of love. The person Camsy has fallen for in chapter one.

Q: What is your favorite scene in the book? And what is the funniest scene you've written?

A: The ending scene. Where (spoiler alert!) Parker shows up again after she's held on to promises for a year. And they reunite. I felt a part of me get completed. Become happy again.

For the funniest scene, I don't know why, but I laugh every time I remember the look on Mrs. Wellington's face when Parker "proposed" for the first time. She did not see that one coming

Lil-Bird: Well, you see that folks! If you stumble upon this interview, you have gotten a glimpse of the spoiler >.< Hahahaha. Oh, I remember that scene. I believe it was on the day of her cousin's wedding.

Q: If you were not the writer of this book, but you are, which character do you want to play as? And why?

A: Ooh, I'd love to be Simone. She's the character I relate to most. Though Camsy and I have our moments, Simone's my pick. She was strong enough to support her best friend both emotionally and professionally. And in the last chapter, when she elbowed Camsy for sulking over Parker, I saw a part of me in her. I'd do the same thing.

Lil-Bird: Somehow, I can feel the pain of Camsy being elbowed by Simone XD

Q: Favorite wine to drink?

A: Any cocktail wine. I've been so in love with cocktail wines since my dad bought it years ago during Christmas.❤️

Q: How did you come up with this story?

A: I had this story at the back of my mind, but I didn't think I had it in me to tell it. So I pushed the idea away. That was until the author of "ichor" held a writing contest and I saw the same idea in one of her prompts. It was like a divine revelation from God for me to write it. And that was what I did. :)

Q: Do you have any visions or dreams you have for your book?

A: I really want to hold a physical copy of the wedding effect in my hand, but for now, I know it's not ready. So, what I want now is for my book to get better. I want my story to inflict emotions on people and cheer them up and I'm well on my way there, I believe.

And then, one day, I'll probably hold a hard copy of my book. For now, it's the small goals for me:)

Lil-Bird: Your story is amazing when I read it, so I'm looking forward if you were to release a physical copy of it :)

Q: What is your comfort food?

A: Ugh, chocolate (insert moan) and coffee. Anything chocolate flavored. Sometimes, when I'm stuck with writer's block, I just dig into a chocolate cake and cry. :)

Lil-Bird: Aww. Don't cry :( And also, yes!!! Coffee!!!

Q: How do you feel when you attended a wedding?

A: I feel happy for the couple. For the bond, they're willing to hold on to. And I take notes, so on my wedding day, I'll know what to do.

Q: What is the most awkward situation you have been in?

A: There are plenty of awkward situations there was this time I failed a test, and my mum was looking at me across the table, silently threatening to tell my dad.

I've also stained my shirt right at the front in public and sat on the water so it looked like I peed my pants. And I was going to walk home that day.

Lil-Bird: Oh my god. >.<

Q: Could you describe your journey of writing this book using only 3 words.

A: Hard. Worth it.

Q: What message would you like to leave for the readers and writers out there? ^^

A: To all the readers first, thank you so much for supporting us writers. Some might not say it, but reading and voting on the book make the writer happy. I grin whenever I see a vote. And for those who leave feedback, thank you for helping us trim our stories to perfection ❤️

To all the writers, don't ever quit on writing. If you feel it's too hectic or it's not paying off, you could take a break and figure out what you want. But I know that there's no word out there that won't pay off in the end. So don't quit, instead, pause.

And always seek to improve yourself. It'll make you more bold and confident in your craft. you shine brighter when you learn ❤️

Lil-Bird: Yasss! It's really true. Especially it makes the writers day when they wake up to see comments and people voting on their story.

AoFunke: Thank you so much for interviewing me❤️ this was so nice❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Lil-Bird: Thank you so much for the opportunity! I hope you have a nice day!! \(^_^)/

AOFunke: Thank you!❤️

Lil-Bird: <33

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