Interview#36: @_R-M-Kempnich

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Author: _R-M-Kempnich

Interviewer: aderonkeakinlade

Interviewer: Good day everyone, and also to our special author in the house! The author _R-M-Kempnich . I am aderonkeakinlade. You can simply call me, Ronny Ade. It's a pleasure having you here. 

Please tell us, how are you today?

@_R-M-Kempnich : I'm great. It's such a great opportunity to have the interview today. It's actually exciting. 

Interviewer: Oh nice. Okay so. What name would you prefer to be called in the course of this interview?

@_R-M-Kempnich: Um...Riarna is fine. I figure it's less typing out to do than just my username. 

Interviewer: Okay then. Riarna it is. 

@_R-M-Kempnich: Coolio. 

Interviewer: Alright Riarna. I have read your book, WE TAKE IT BACK, and literally speaking, it is amazing. 

Q: Tell me, how did such an amazing book come about? As in your inspiration for the book. 

A: Well, first of all, thank you that means a lot to hear. Um for me, the idea to write this coming-of-age book stemmed from the fact that I had finished high school myself, and while I was technically supposed to figure things out on my own, I was just a bit lost. So in came this idea to have a story centered around these kids in their gap year kind of just stumbling around, trying to figure out what they were going to do. And as much as this book will be about having fun and just living life, it's kind of a way for me to say goodbye to childhood and figure out a way to embrace adulthood through the characters in "We Take It Back". 

Q: How did you coin the words for the title? Was It easy or extremely hard?

A: The title came to me somewhat easily. Having graduated high school when I came up with this concept, I was feeling a little down and nostalgic and I kind of just wanted my childhood back because going forward seemed so scary. And We Take It Back captured what I wanted the story to be about. 

Q: Can you narrate the plot a little, for the benefits of those who are yet to read the book?

A: Yeah sure. Set in the late '80s, this story revolves around Marley Vera, recently orphaned and now living with her Aunt Poppy in a small town named Dencis. There are tensions between Marley and her aunt based on past experiences which the reader will gradually come to know about, and this tension boils over, to the point where Marley enrolls in a workshop program for youths who have either just finished high school, or are in their gap years, seeking employment out of Dencis. There she meets a group of people (yet to be introduced) who all have problems they're battling against and she finds kindred spirits in them all. That's as much as I can give away at the moment as I've only got a few chapters up. However, I can say that as the story unfolds, mystery, old legends, and adventure unfold with it. 

Q: Let's talk about the main character, Marley. Tell us something you think we didn't get to notice about her. 

A: Well, as there are only three chapters out right now, everyone, including myself is just getting to know Marley. What makes her tick, who she is, and who she'll become. I do think though, that many might assume that because she's always stuck in her head and her heart that she isn't observant, but I think from the chapters written, part of the reason she is the way she is, is because she observes everything around her. So maybe the fact that she is equal parts observant and still very much stuck in her own head might be something the readers miss.

Q: Was it your original plan to make the relationship between Marley and her aunt the way it was?

A: No it wasn't. The original plan was to have Marley's Aunt as the bubbly, eccentric adult figure in Marley's life. However, after deciding that type of personality, this type of story wasn't what I needed. I needed a woman who was broken and angry and still lost even so far into adulthood to put things into perspective and to also show Marley what her life could be like if she let the past be the only thing she focused on. 

Q: What did you plan for the mood of the book?

A:  I think the one word that encompasses the mood of this story is Nolstagia. Most coming of age stories only really ever focus on the future. Never the things that got the character to that point in time. And I figured what better way to represent nolstagia than the songs and movies I grew up watching than the 80s. Granted I'm not an 80s child or even a 90s baby, but having parents that we're have definitely influenced a lot of the moods and tones seen throughout the story. 

Q: Why did you choose to write such an amazing story?

A: I chose to write this story as a way to say goodbye to my childhood, to embrace the future even if I'm still terrified of it. And to hopefully help the teens and kids that feel the same way. 

Q: Reviews! Reviews! Reviews!!! How prepared are you for it?

A: I'd say pretty prepared. I've only had one review so far for this story, and it helped me go over tiny mistakes. Helped me get rid of unnecessary words and overall boosted my confidence for the things I wanted people to notice in my story. So I'm slowly developing a love for reviews. 

Q: How do you feel about the popularity your book has gained so far?

A: In terms of popularity, my story is very much undiscovered and it works for me. I've noticed with popular books, while the readers mean well and are just excited, the amount of pushing to update is a bit excessive and for me, it definitely stresses me out. So far now, I'm happy with the small number of readers I have.

Q: What are your plans for the book?

A: To finish it for one. I've never been good with finishing stories, but this book means a lot to me and I'm determined to at least do that. I also hope that in the future, it'll get published and I can finally have a physical copy of it in my hands, an author's dream I suppose. Even a movie adaptation would be awesome, but that is a big dream and one I know will take a lot of effort to achieve. Really, all I want is for this story to help even just one person, I'd be happy with that. 

Q: What important lesson did you learn from the book that you feel well should know about?

A: Well, I haven't finished it yet but already I know the one thing it has taught me, and the one thing I want the readers to understand by the end of the book. It's this, Nolstagia can be a pleasant experience when remembering the good times of the past. But we shouldn't let it consume us, or let it be the measuring stick to the experiences we have now or in the future. There will be good times and there will be bad times, and we have to learn to be ok with that. 

Q: Do you have any other thing you wish to say to your readers out there?

A: Um, just have fun. Live life in the present. Don't stress too much about the future, and thank the past for getting you here, to the point. That's it I guess. 

@_R-M-Kempnich: Also, sorry if these answers are long.

Interviewer: Everything you've written is beautiful!! And no problem with the long answers. 

So we've come to the end of your interview, Riarna. The host, co-host, and all members of the Golden Writer's Community do appreciate you for making out time for the interview. 

We do hope that you check out our book club, maybe you could join, await the arrival of our magazine and also check out all of our other awards.

Thank you once more for your time and I say have a good day!!!!

@_R-M-Kempnich: Thank you! You have a great day too!

Golden InterviewsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora